

From BAWiki

Basic Information

Name of Program



February 2016


September 2022


graphical postprocessor
finite element models
finite difference models
orthogonal unstructured grid model
orthogonal unstructured grid model with subgrid information
graphical presentation of data
universal direct access data format
coloured isosurface representation
isoline representation
vector representation
hatched isosurface representation
visualization of CFD-data for estuaries and coastal seas
visualization of morphological data sets (2D and 3D)

Short Description of Functionality

The graphical postprocessor HVIEW2D can be used for a scaled graphical presentation of different scalar or vector quantities in the 2D horizontal plane. The data can be generated by means of different application programs. Either a single data set or a superposition of a scalar and a vector quantity can be plotted in several different ways.

Results from two- as well as three-dimensional model simulations can be displayed. Truely three-dimensional data may be displayed for different layers (e.g. at the surface, at the bottom or at constant depth). For further informations see switches of the program HVIEW2D (working-level LEVEL_4).

Also synoptic results based on a time-dependent topography can be displayed together with the correct bathymetric depth. In addition to that the three dimensional distribution for the sediments (e.g. fractions for various sediment classes) in the bottom can be also displayed.

Beyound the generation of a pure graphical representation of the data some additional graphical elements (e.g. company logo, structural lines, etc.) can be easily integrated into each figure.

The following methods of graphical presentation of data are actually integrated into HVIEW2D. Here comes a short list together with some example figures:

Construction as well as appearance of the data presented can be easily modified using different switches from within the application program in an interactive way by the user (see switches of the program HVIEW2D).

The geographical connexion of the data points is described on a grid topology. The grid consists out of arbitrary sized triangles. Areas which are falling dry for a certain period of time are properly taken into account as tidal flats compared to flooded areas where at the same time data are properly defined. If data have been created using program DIDASPLIT, the existing script SplitScript (see Das Skript SplitScript in No. 3/1998 of Supercomputing News; available in German only) facilitates automated production of plotted results.

Besides an automatic presentation by HVIEW2D each figure can be manipulated in an interactive way by the user (deletion, shift, enlargement, reduction, insertion, ... of graphical objects).

If a user coordinate reference system is specified by BAWCRS all georeferenced information (mesh, structural lines and annotations, frames) will be transformed automatically into this system if the data contain their coordinate reference system. Therefor e.g files of type insel.dat have to be provided only in one (senseful) coordinate reference system. To use this feature the environment variable BAWCRS is set to the EPSG code of the preferred coordinate reference system, in which the pictures shall be viewed. Valid EPSG codes are found on page GEOTRANSFORMER.


  1. general input data (filetype hview2d.dat)
  2. grid for 2D/3D-data (filetype gitter05.dat/bin or selafin or untrim_grid.dat or utrsub_grid.dat) Notice: for 3D data sets with time varying bathymetry the depth values in the grid file must be equivalent to the depth of the non-erodible layer, whereas for corresponding 2D data sets values for actual depth are sufficient. In connexion with data sets defined for constant bathymetry the grid file must contain values for actual depth without exception.
  3. list of edges (filetype fkvz.bin) Notice: file will be automatically generated if not present
  4. list of neighbour elements (filetype fkez.bin) Notice: file will be automatically generated if not present
  5. result files (files of type dirz.bin.r, dirz.bin.i and dirz.bin)
  6. layout file (filetype layout.dat)
  7. colour table definitions file (filetype lights.dat)
  8. colours file (file of type colors.dat)
  9. definition of additional isolines for bathymetry (filetype isoerg.dat)
  10. (optional) definition of static frames (filetype frames.dat)
  11. (optional) structural lines and annotations (filetype insel.dat)
  12. (optional) definition of desired points of time (filetype zeitpunkte.dat)
  13. (optional) company logo (filetype bawlogo.dat)
  14. (optional) informations for a tide clock representation (filetype tideclock.dat)
  15. (optional) time series of water level elevation (file of type boewrt.dat or file of type solwrt.dat) Notice: must be present together with tideclock.dat.
  16. (optional) GKS-Logfile (filetype gkslog.dat) Notice: if within the working directory a file with the name gkslog.dat exists, the stored information about a former HVIEW2D application run is used to rerun the recorded one in precisely the same way.

For HVIEW2D the following standard configuration files from the directory $PROGHOME/cfg/ are required:

  • GKS parameter file: gkssystem.computername.dat
  • definition of physical quantities and physical units:,,, phydef-cf.cfg.dat
  • definition of hatching styles: hatch.cfg.dat
  • DE/EN fraction names: fracdef.cfg.dat'


  1. graphical output to the screen
  2. informative printer file (filetype hview2d.sdr)
  3. (optional) plot metafiles (GKSM or CGM) and scale info file (hview2d???.gksm.scale or hview2d???.cgm.scale) for later calculation of geo-referenced coordinates
  4. (optional) ASCII-version of displayed data (filetype outhview2d.dat) Notice: please observe significance of the switch OutAscii (on working level LEVEL_4).
  5. (optional) trace of program execution (filetype hview2d.trc)
  6. (optional) GKS-Logfile (filetype gkslog.dat) Notice: This file is used to record all interactive user input for a complete HVIEW2D application run. This file can be used at a later stage to rerun the whole session in exactly the same way. This can be profitably used to produce for example the same type of figures for a different set of data files.


All data which shall be displayed using HVIEW2D must be stored in direct access files conforming to BAW-DHs universal direct access data format. During the first processing step the program generates a so-called scene which is used at a later stage to display the data. Any scene consists of an arbitrary number of elementary objects (lines, polygons, filled polygons). During assembly of the scene and the collection process of the data a discrimination is made between areas flooded with water and areas which are temporary or permanently dry based on the value of the actual water depth. If the water depth falls below a certain limit triangles which are partly dry and partly wet are automatically split into two polygons. One of these is completely dry (a tidal mud flat polygon) and the other is completely flooded by water and data can be assigned to it. In the course of the second processing step any polygon with assigned data may be optionally split at intersecting isolines into a series of smaller polygons. This kind of graphical data representation is much more expensive compared to the simplier shading of the original (unsplit) polygon but it is well suited to show more details of the data in areas with a small number of triangles. In the final processing stage all the data which have been assigned to the scene are converted into one of the several possible graphical representations (see also the examples given above).

Program(s) to run before this Program


Program(s) to run after this Program


Additional Information



Additional software

GKS (by GTS-Gral)

Original Version

J. Jürges, G. Lang, I. Uliczka


Working group POS


Ion A. Angell und Gareth H. Griffith, 1989: Praktische Einführung in die Computer-Graphik mit zahlreichen Programmbeispielen, Hanser Verlag, 360 Seiten.

template files available in $PROGHOME/examples/hview2d

In No. 3/1998 of Supercomputing News the article entitled Verbesserte GKS-Graphikprogramme (available in German only) contains informations about the following topics: layout, pixel-graphics, scalable tide-clock, contour lines, GKS editor as well as display of 3D results.

In No. 3/1998 of Supercomputing News the article entitled Das Skript SplitScript (available in German only) facilitates automated production of plotted results

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