

From BAWiki

Basic Information






V1.x/June 2000


June 2000

Significance of the File

contains descriptions for one or several boundary sections along which time series boundary data for later use in different numerical models may be generated

File-Contents (in Catchwords)

  1. name of boundary section: this information is used to distinguish between the different boundary sections defined in one file.
  2. start point coordinates: these coordinates are used to determine the location of the beginning of a boundary section (the boundary node or cell closest to the start point will be automatically used).
  3. end point coordinates: these coordinates are used to determine the location of the end of a boundary section (the boundary node or cell closest to the end point will be automatically used).
    Remark: a boundary section is a connecting line between start and end point. The computational domain is surrounded counter clockwise, which means that the domain is always located on the left hand side of the boundary line.
  4. length of a subsection: each boundary section can be subdivided into several subsections; the maximum length of each subsection can be limited in that way.
    Remark: if 0.0 is prescribed as the maximum allowed subsection length the number of subsections will be equal to the number of boundary nodes or cells along the respective boundary section.
  5. type of boundary time series data: the type of boundary data for which a boundary section is valid can be prescribed in this way. This allows to distinguish between different sections defined for different types of boundary time series data.

Notice 1: within one file several boundary sections can be defined at the same time.

Notice 2: dictionary-file bsection_dico.dat, normally present in directory $PROGHOME/fortran/prg/dic/, will be automatically read by the application program in addition to the user-specified input file.

Programs using this Type of File



please refer to $PROGHOME/examples/utrrnd/bsection.dat

back to: File Descriptions
