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Basic Information






7.x / November 2009


November 2009

Significance of the File

contains specific input data related to the post processor program UnK (unstructured k-model).

File-Contents (in Catchwords)

  1. block Input_Files, with different information concerning required as well as optional input files:
    1. key "Grid_File" with name and type (GITTER05, UNTRIM_BAW) for the file with the computational grid (filetype untrim_grid.dat or gitter05.dat/bin).
    2. key "Wind_Speed_File" with name and type (BDF) for the file with space- and time-dependent wind speed above the computational domain (filetypes dirz.bin.r, dirz.bin.i and dirz.bin).
      Notice: this file must have been generated beforehand using program METDIDA.
    3. key "K_Model_Steering_File" with name and type (STEERING) for the file with input data of the software package k_model (filetype k_model.dat).
    4. (optional) key "Water_Level_File" with name and type (BDF) for the file with space- and time-dependent water level within the computational domain (filetypes dirz.bin.r, dirz.bin.i and dirz.bin).
      Notice: water level data must be available for the computational grid prescribed in key "Grid_File".
    5. (optional) key "Current_Velocity_File" with name and type (BDF) for the file with space- and time-dependent depth-averaged current velocity within the computational domain (filetypes dirz.bin.r, dirz.bin.i and dirz.bin).
      Notice: current velocity data must be available for the computational grid prescribed in key "Grid_File".
    6. (optional) key "Bathymetry_Depth_File" with name and type (BDF) for the file with alternative or dynamic bathymetry depths within the computational domain (filetypes dirz.bin.r, dirz.bin.i and dirz.bin).
      Notice 1: bathymetry depth data must be available for the computational grid prescribed in key "Grid_File".
      Notice 2: the type of bathymetry depths must be consistent with the water level and velocity files; e.g. all files have alternative bathymetry depths.
  2. block Simulation_Times with information for the simulation period:
    1. key "Start_Time" with start time given as DD.MM.YYYY-hh:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn.
    2. key "End_Time" with end time given as DD.MM.YYYY-hh:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn.


  • dictionary-file unk_dico.dat, usually present in directory $PROGHOME/dic/, will be automatically read by the application program in addition to the user-specified input file.

Programs using this Type of File



please refer to $PROGHOME/examples/unk/unk.dat
and $PROGHOME/examples/unk/BSP_dynamic_bathymetry/unk.10min.dat

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