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Basic Information
Name of Program
October 2007
conversion of measured data
ADCP moving ship measurement
location grid
universal direct access format
synoptic dataset
ship track
Short Description of Functionality
The program adcp2profile can be used to convert ADCP data measured by a moving ship along a profile into the universal direct access format BDF (see also under dirz.bin). The data gets projected to the nodes of a vertical location grid which is a profile with depth layers. The values taken during one profile ride are regarded as synoptic. Typical measures are velocity, suspended load and suspended load transport.
The graphical processors GVIEW2D and VVIEW2D enable the user to compare converted data visually with model results.
In cases of cross-profiles a straight profile defined by a starting and an end point is sufficient. Long Longitudinal profiles require geopositions in between. Therefore adcp2profile can optionally be run as a geoposition generator. You can generate a longitudinal profile with the processor TICLQ2 and the generated files of type geopos.dat. In a second adcp2profile run you can use this profile to collect the ADCP data. But the data is not synoptic. Before comparing the measurements with model results, it it recommended to run the program TIMESHIFT.
- general input data (filetype adcp2profile.dat).
- profile out of the hydronumerical model (file of type profil05.bin); only one profile with two geopositions is allowed
- files with configuration data for the output BDF files (files of type bdf_file_cfg.dat); the files $PROGHOME/cfg/profiles_2d_adcp.dat and $PROGHOME/cfg/profiles_3d_adcp.dat guarantee already a succesful run of ADCP2PROFILE
- file(s), each containing the measured data of one profile ride (file(s) of type adcp_profile.dat)
- (optional) BDF files out of the hydronumerical model (files of type dirz.bin.r,dirz.bin.i and dirz.bin)
- (optional) vertical structure in a file of type vertical.dat
Either the BDF file or of the vertical structure must be present.
- BDF files named 2D.* with the converted data for two dimensional physical quantities ; 2D means that only one value exists for water column e.g. water level (files of type dirz.bin.r, dirz.bin.I and dirz.bin)
- BDF files named 3D.* with the converted data for three dimensional physical quantities; 3D means that values may vary in a water column (files of type dirz.bin.r, dirz.bin.i and dirz.bin)
- in case of a generating geopositions of a ship track: file of type geopos.dat;
- in case of a collection ADCP-data on a ship track: file of type gprofil.dat with times;
- (optional) lineprinter file containing useful information related to program execution (filetype adcp2profile.sdr);
- (optional) file with trace of program execution (filetype adcp2profile.trc).
The measured ADCP datasets consist of cells. The cell values are projected on the nodes of a vertical location grid. There are neither spatial interpolations nor extrapolations.
Converted data is regarded as quasi synoptic and is related to a desired time, the mean of start and end time. By using the physical quantity time difference relativ desired time it is possible to determine the time of each measurement.
Depth in ADCP datasets refers to the elevation of the water surface, the one in the converted data refers to MSL. The water level value in a file of type adcp2profile.dat overrides the value given in a file of type adcp_profile.dat.
The measured ensembles have a certain distance to the projected points on the hydronumerical profile. It is possible to choose a maximum distance. Values with a greater distance are marked as incorrect.
Cells with incorrect or no values are marked with a null value. In the following figure these cells are displayed grey. Current velocity data converted by ADCP2PROFILE and displayed by VVIEW2D (935k)
Comments to some physical quantities:
- The dimensionality of the current velocity depends on the state of the switch Schwebstoffgehalte (Suspended load) in the general input data.
- .false. : The magnitude refers to x-, y- and z-components.
- .true. : The magnitude refers only to the x- and y-components similar to the magnitude of the suspended load transport rate.
- The depth averaged current velocity is calculated at nodes of a water column with correct velocity values. This can be one single node. One should keep this in mind when comparing it with hydronumeric results.
- Backscatter gives information about the relativ intensity of the reflected signal.
- The discharge per ADCP cell contains the component orthogonal to the direction of the moving ship. This may differ from the direction of the hydronumerical profile. The size of the ADCP cells varies and the measured discharge in mm**3/s depends on the cell size. Therefore it is not recommanded to compare it with the discharge evaluated by the numerical models.
- The magnitude of the suspended load transport rate refers only to the x- and y-components.
New in version 2.1:
ShipTrack with measurement times displayed by VVIEW2D (90k)
If the profile is defined by more than two geopositions it is supposed to be an exact ship track e.g. along a longitudinal ride. It may contain several rides. Because it can be rather long the ride can no longer be regarded as synoptic. An additional time information is helpful for visualisation. A file of type gprofil.dat gets generated for this purpose. With this file visualisation programs as LQ2PRO or VVIEW2D can plot the measurement time at each geoposition.
Program(s) to run before this Program
Program(s) to run after this Program
Additional Information
Additional software
Original Version
please refer to $PROGHOME/examples/adcp2profile/
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