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Basic Information
Name of Program
June 2013
September 2022
graphical postprocessor
hydrodynamical finite element method
visualization of hydrodynamic data
Short Description of Functionality
The program LQ2PRO visualizes calculated data along user-defined profiles. Calculated data could be achieved by numerical models (such as TRIM-2D, TRIM-3D or TELEMAC-2D). Also cross sectionally averaged data may be used as well as results from different other postprocessors (TDKWF, TDKVF, etc.).
New in version 6.1 (June 2013)
Output of profiles to ASCII file(s)
The users are allowed to activate the output of profiles to ASCII file(s). To do this they have to use a new block called "AKTIVIERUNG" in the general input file. A template general input file including the new block can be found in the examples directory below PROGHOME.
New in version 6.1 (April 2003)
Synoptic data sets related to a morphodynamic bathymetry can now be displayed correctly.
New in version 5.3 (February 2002)
Changing the direction of x axis visualization
Each profile has its own direction, defined by the sequence of its location points. This direction is the default direction when visualising profile data on a profile axis (x axis).
With the version 5.3 it is possible to reverse (invert) this direction:
- In the plot attributes file (filetype lq2attr.dat) it is possible to change the default direction (x-direction = normal) to x-direction = inverse for all visualized profiles.
- During the execution of the program it is possible to change the x-direction attribute (use the Edit Prfs switch). Note: The x-direction attribute is a picture attribute, so it is only possible to change the direction of all profiles of all charts of the selected picture/s.
Hint: This direction reversal is only possible within the side view visualization; there is no sense of using it in the plan view visualization.
New in version 5 (april 2000)
Vector component visualization
Now you can plot not only the absolute value of vector data, but you can pick one of the following components:
- x-component of vector data
- y-component of vector data
- z-component of vector data (only accessible for 3D input data)
- absolute value of vector data
- direction of vector data in x/y plane
- direction of vector data out of x/y plane (only accessible for 3D input data)
- profile parallel component of vector data
- profile orthogonal (right angled) component of vector data
There are two sample graphics prepared for you.
- (req) general input data (filetype lq2pro.dat)
- (req) profile-topography (filetype profil05.bin)
- (req) results (files of type dirz.bin.r, dirz.bin.i and dirz.bin)
- (opt) 2 dimensional finite-element-grid (filetype gitter05.dat/bin)
- (opt) list of neighbour elements suitable to the finite-element-grid (filetype fkez.bin)
- (req) layout file (filetype layout.dat)
- (req) colourfile (filetype lights.dat)
- (req) colours file (file of type colors.dat)
- (opt) user defined plot attributes (filetype lq2attr.dat)
- (opt) descriptions of all geo positions for all profiles to reduce the number geo position descriptions along a profile (filetype gprofil.dat)
- (opt) frame file (filetype frames.dat)
- (optional) definition of desired points of time (filetype zeitpunkte.dat)
- (optional) GKS log file (filetype gkslog.dat)
- Notice: if within the working directory a file with the name gkslog.dat exists, the stored information about a former LQ2PRO application run is used to rerun the recorded one in precisely the same way.
Furthermore the following standard configuration files from the directory $PROGHOME/cfg/ are required:
- GKS parameter file: gkssystem.computername.dat
- definition of physical quantities and physical units: phydef.cfg.de/en.dat, phydef.cfg.rest.dat, phydef.cfg.si.dat, phydef-cf.cfg.dat
- definition of hatching styles: hatch.cfg.dat
- DE/EN fraction names: fracdef.cfg.dat'
- graphics output to the screen
- (optional) plot metafiles (GKS, CGM, HPGL and others)
- (optional) GKS log file (filetype gkslog.dat)
- Notice: This file is used to record all interactive user input for a complete LQ2PRO application run. This file can be used at a later stage to rerun the whole session in exactly the same way. This can be profitably used to produce for example the same type of figures for a different set of data files.
- (optional) results of a profile analysis in a file (filetype prf.analyse.dat)
- (optional) ASCII files with x and y data of all visualized profiles
select data These steps are necessary to choose data:
- choose your data variant (actual state, different states...)
- choose your profile out of a set of profiles defined for the chosen variant
- choose your physical data
- choose time steps for the chosen physical data, if time steps exist
- choose the vertical layer for the chosen physical data, if different layers exist
visualization of profile curves: There are two different ways of visualizing profile curves:
- LQ-visualization: the profile curves are plotted in xy-diagrams. This is the usual way of visualizing longitudinal/cross-sectional profiles and the default type of visualization. (sample of a side view visualization)
- D-visualization: view from atop of the surface to the ground. The diagrams are turned into the drawing plane. (sample of a plan view visualization)
Program(s) to run before this Program
Program(s) to run after this Program
Additional Information
Additional software
GKS (graphical kernel system)
Original Version
J. Jürges
see also $PROGHOME/examples/Lq2pro/
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