From BAWiki
Basic Information
March 2016
March 2016
Significance of the File
contains general input data for the program display_percentiles
File-Contents (in Catchwords)
Input Steering Data
- information about the file input (block input)
- key "file" : path to folder containing the input data or name (and path) of a single file
- key "inputformat" : format of the input data (only "xtrdata" possible)
- information regarding the output (block Output)
- key "directory" : path to folder where plots will be saved (program can create this folder if it does not exist yet during runtime)
- key "outputformat" : desired format of the created plots (*.pdf,*.png,*.fig,*.eps); *.pdf is recommended
- key "excelfilename" : name of the created Excel-file that will contain the statistics (optional; comment this parameter to suppress Excel-output)
- key "parameter" : name of the physical quantity that is plotted(choose "all" to plot all quantities or give the name of a quantity as it is given in the Xtrdata-output file)
- key "metadata" : set to "1" to display metadata beneath the plot
- key "fontsize" : fontsize of the plot
- key "font" : font of the plot
- key "figsize" : size of the created plot [width height] in cm
- information about the display of a statistical quantity as a line (block lineplot)
- key "linename" : statistical quantity that should be plotted as a line (either mean, median, minimum or maximum)
- key "linecolor" : color of the line (will be given as an RGB-triple with values ranging from 0 to 1)
- key "linestyle" : style of the line (dotted, dashed, continuous, ...)
- key "xlimit" : limits of the x-axis [lower_boundary upper_boundary]
- key "ylimit" : limits of the y-axis [lower_boundary upper_boundary] (optional; can only be chosen if one physical quantity is plotted)
- information about the percentiles (block percentileplot):
- key "perccolor" : color of the area between the two plotted percentiles
- key "percentile" : desired percentile (additionally, the percentile "100-perzentil" will be plotted)
General Remarks
- While reading this steering file the dictionary file display_percentiles_dico.dat will be automatically accessed in directory $PROGHOME/dic/.
Programs using this Type of File
siehe $PROGHOME/examples/display_percentiles/example1/display_percentiles_steer.dat
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