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Basic Information
Name of Program
October 2016
October 2016
CF NetCDF Format
Acknowledgment: This project took advantage of netCDF software developed by UCAR/Unidata (
Short Description of Functionality
The application plotts can be used to visualize timeseries from netcdf-files. Originally developed for visualisation of timeseries from delWAQ-netcdf-files, plotts is able to visualize timeseries from Untrim-netcdf-files, dataconvert-netcdf-files and netcdf-files from ncanalyse. Since plotts is programmed in a general way, it might be possible that it can handle even more netcdf-files. The application plotts is started from the Linux-Terminal and takes the word "runfile" followed by a control file as arguments. For example:
plotts runfile run01.dat
This call runs plotts using the parameters that are defined in the text file run01.dat.
The control file consists of one or multiple BEGINDATA Timeseries blocks. The only necessary parameters in the control file are the name and path of the netcdf file and the variable that the user would like to have displayed.
Possible statements in the control file are listed in the following
BEGINDATA TIMESERIES filename={path and filename} variable={variable name} timeperiodstart={DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss.fff} timeperiodend={DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss.fff} lon={longitude} lat={latitude} z={depth} positionsfromfile={path and filename} ylabeltext={y axis label} legendentry={legend entry} ylabelfontsize={y axis fontsize} tickfontsize={font size of the number along the axis} legendfontsize={legend fontsize} legendlocation={Location of the legend: north south east west northeast northwest southeast southwest northoutside southoutside eastoutside westoutside northeastoutside northwestoutside southeastoutside southwestoutside best bestoutside none} linecolor={line color: yellow magenta cyan red green blue white black} linestyle={line style: - -- : -.} marker={additional markers in the line: * + - none} showtimeonx={1: show time additional to date on x axis, 0: no time} plottogethergroup={Identifier for the definition of a group of timeseries which should be plotted together} ENDDATA
The position defintion can be done by single or a
Die Positionsangabe kann über vektorielle Angaben für lon
und lat
erfolgen oder durch die Angabe einer netCDF-Datei, die die Positionen als x,y,z - Variablen enthält. Dies ist z.B. bei mit dataconvert konvertierten boewrt-Dateien der Fall, die anschließend mit den nco tools oder NCRCATMAT zu einer netCDF-Datei zusammengefügt wurden
Um mehrere Zeitreihen in einen plot zu bringen, kann man mehrere Timeseries Blöcke in die Steuerdatei einfügen. Welche Zeitserien dabei zusammen geplottet werden sollen, kann man über ein Kürzel für plottogethergroup definieren. Schreibt man in dem ersten Timeseries-Block plottogethergroup=A
, werden alle Timeseries Blöcke, in denen auch plottogethergroup=A
vorkommt mit in den gleichen plot dargestellt.
All files in Matlab figure format (*.fig)
The displayed figure can be saved in all formats supported by Matlab (*.JPG,*.PNG,*.PDF,*.EPS,*.FIG,*.BMP,*.PCX,*.PBM,*.PGM,*.PPM,*.SVG,*.TIF).
The matlab command openfig() is used for opening the given files.
Program(s) to run before this Program
Program(s) to run after this Program
Additional Information
Additional software
Linux: MATLAB Compiler Runtime MCR R2015a in directory /usr/local/MATLAB/R2015a
Original Version
See also under MATLAB.
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