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Revision as of 11:34, 21 October 2014 by imported>Seiss Guntram (additional link)

Basic Information

Name of Program



7.x / August 2008


October 2014


boundary time-series data
boundary time-series data from computational results
boundary time-series data from measured data
source- and sink-flow from measured data
numerical model TELEMAC-2D
numerical model TRIM-2D
numerical model TRIM-3D
numerical model UNTRIM
numerical model UNTRIM2 (sub grid)

Short Description of Functionality

Program UTRRND is used as a preprocessor to generate boundary time-series data for the different numerical models applied at BAW. The following services are provided by this program:

  1. Generation of boundary time-series data which can be directly used in the numerical model UNTRIM;
  2. Preparation of time-series data which can be later used as input in connexion with the generation of boundary time series data for the numerical models TELEMAC-2D, TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D.

At the moment time-series can be generated for the following physical quantities:

  1. water level elevation along open model boundaries,
  2. salinity along open model boundaries,
  3. temperature along open model boundaries,
  4. suspended sediment load (several sediment fractions) along open model boundaries,
  5. tracer load (several sediment fractions) along open model boundaries,
  6. sources (flow-volume with salinity, temperature and suspended sediment load (several fractions)) inside the modelling domain,
  7. sinks (flow-volume) inside the modelling domain, as well as
  8. sinks with immediate inflow of the withdrawn volume at a different location, with the possibility to alter temperature as well as salinity (e.g. due to the use as cooling water for a power plant) compared to the respective values at the outtake location.

The following data sources (input data) can be (alternatively) used:

  • water level elevation along open boundaries
    • results from a previous simulation run, and
    • measured data from different locations.
  • salinity, temperature, suspended sediment load and/or tracer load along open boundaries as well as sources and sinks (with or without temperature and/or salinity change).
    • measured data from different locations.

Remark: input data must be in time series format. Measured data need not be available at constant time intervals.

Beyond that, program UTRRND offers a possibility to modify boundary time series data for water level elevation with respect to mean value, amplitude and phase when they are computed from numerical model results. In this situation the user must specify some additional data in files of type boewrt.dat.

Boundary nodes or grid cells can be either detected automatically by the program from the structure of the grid, or by means of some auxiliary informations prescribed by the user.

Time series data for sources and sinks are exclusively generated for the specific location given by the user.


  1. general input data (filetype utrrnd.dat).
  2. grid with boundary nodes or boundary grid cells for which boundary time series data shall be generated or which describes the modelling domain for which sources and sinks are going to be generated:
    for TELEMAC-2D - filetype gitter05.dat/bin
    for TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D - filetype tr2.topo.bin.ind
    for UNTRIM - filetype untrim_grid.dat
  3. (optional) description of the vertical structure, e.g. the position of layers, when three-dimensional boundary time series data shall be generated for the numerical model UNTRIM (filetype vertical.dat) This information is only of importance in connexion with the computation of salinity, temperature, suspended sediment load (several fractions) and tracer load (several fractions), along open boundaries or sources and sinks inside the modelling domain.
  4. (optional) if 2D-/3D-results of a previous numerical simulation shall be used:
    1. grid (filetype gitter05.dat/bin or untrim_grid.dat or profil05.bin or location_grid.dat)
    2. computed time series data (files of type dirz.bin.r, dirz.bin.i and dirz.bin)
    3. (optional) manually prescribed time series for modification of mean value, amplitude and phase of the time series derived from numerically calculated results (files of type boewrt.dat)
    This functionality is currently only available in connexion with water level elevation boundary data time series.
  5. (optional) if measured data shall be used to generate the boundary time series data (files of type boewrt.dat)
  6. (optional) definition of boundaries, in situations where the positions of boundary nodes or grid cells shall not be automatically determined from analysis of the grid structure:
    1. (optional) indices of boundary cells - if the numerical models TRIM-2D or TRIM-3D shall be later used (filetype fd2rnd.dat)
    2. (optional) definition of boundary sections - can be used together with all types of numerical models (filetype bsection.dat).
    These informations may be useful when boundary data time series are going to be generated for water level elevation, salinity and temperature. For sources and sinks this information is not even useful.

Remark: the user should also read the comments stored in the different template files available (please refer to $PROGHOME/examples/utrrnd/).


  1. systemfile with locations of the nodes or cells where boundary time series data were generated (filetype location_grid.dat);
  2. synoptic boundary data for all boundary data locations (files of type dirz.bin.r, dirz.bin.i and dirz.bin)
    Remark: these result files are especially useful in connexion with the application of the numerical model UNTRIM.
  3. (optional) boundary time series data (filetype rndwerte.dat)
    Remark: this data file can be used as input file for the programs TM2RND and TR2RND respectively to generate boundary time series data for the numerical models TELEMAC-2D or TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D.
    Remark: This option is only available when boundary data time series for water level elevation, salinity or temperature are going to be generated.
  4. (optional) indices of boundary cells, if either TRIM-2D or TRIM-3D shall be later used, and the boundary grid cells have not been already specified as input data before (filetype fd2rnd.dat)
    This option is only available when boundary data time series for water level elevation, salinity or temperature are going to be generated.
  5. (optional) lineprinter file contains useful informations related to program execution (filetype utrrnd.sdr);
  6. (optional) file with trace of program execution (filetype utrrnd.trc).


  • how boundary locations are determined (water level elevation, salinity, temperature, suspended sediment load (several fractions) and tracer load (several fractions))
    • If the user does not explicitely specify informations which describe the positions of boundary nodes or grid cells the latter ones will be automatically determined by the program. The algorithm tries to determine all open boundary nodes from the grid structure.
    • If the user has specified additional informations (e.g. fd2rnd.dat or bsection.dat), they are used to determine the locations of boundary nodes or grid cells which are situated along the outer boundary of a computational grid.
  • interpolation using computational results (water level elevation)
    • For any location where boundary time series data shall be generated at first the closest lying computational points are determined. Thereafter the time serie at the location of the boundary node will be determined from the numerically computed time series by means of a linear interpolation. No interpolation is done with respect to time.
    • If a boundary node or grid cell is located outside the computational domain the closest lying computational point will be determined and the computed time series data will be used directly without any interpolation or extrapolation.
    • Interpolated data can be optionally modified using user-specified values with respect to mean value, amplitude and phase. The modification parameters can be both, space as well as time dependent. Data necessary must be prescribed by the user in files of type boewrt.dat.
  • interpolation using measured data (water level elevation)
    • If measured data form the basis for interpolation of boundary time series data they will be interpolated to the location of the boundary node or grid cell in an analogous manner as described above for computational result based data.
    • An important difference exists for the generation of boundary time series data of water level elevation. In this situation an analysis to determine times of high and low water is carried through beforehand to determine the time shifts which are applied to the measured data before they are going to be interpolated to obtain a boundary time serie of water level elevation. This type of interpolation (time shift) can be optionally switched off in case the data to be interpolated are not dominated by the tides.

Program(s) to run before this Program


Program(s) to run after this Program


Additional Information



Additional software


Original Version

G. Lang


G. Lang


  • please refer to $PROGHOME/examples/utrrnd/
    • ./BSP_becken_src_snk/ : example files for a closed basin with one sink and one source.
    • ./BSP_becken_wind/ : example files for wind influence on water level elevation and current velocity in a closed basin.
    • ./BSP_hafen/ : example files for wave propagation in a harbour basin.
    • ./BSP_kanal_w_gradient/ : example files for a straight channel with constant water level gradient;
    • ./BSP_kanal_w_inflow/ : example files for a straight channel with constant inflow (discharge).
    • ./BSP_soliton / : propagation of a solitary wave in a straight wave channel.
    • ./BSP_becken_power_plant/ : example files for a closed basin with one sink, where the water is immediately re-introduced at a different location with respective alteration of temperature as well as salinity (useful for simulations of the cooling of a power plant).
  • there are also more general informations concerning the generation of boundary conditions available
  • especially have a look to the literature list and the graphical representation for the generation of time series data from measured or simulated data

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