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Basic Information
March 2021
March 2021
Significance of the File
contains input data to control UNTRIM2 weir sections depending on model results at runtime. The advantage is that the model user is no longer forced to enter exact times of weir height changes before the start of the model run. Instead e.g. the waterlevel at a given observation point inside the model is able to start a change of weir height if this waterlevel exceeds or falls below a given threshold. As well the magnitude of the current velocity or the direction of the current velocity or the speed of waterlevel change or the difference of waterlevels or current magnitudes at two given observation points can be used to compare with thresholds. Additionally specific dates or times or weekdays can be used and differnet conditions can be combined logically (and or or connections).
File-Contents (in Catchwords)
Input Steering Data
- general input data (block General_Data)
- key "EPSG" : EPSG-Code of all horizontical coordinates in this file.
- key "Time_Zone" : Time zone of all times in this file.
- control data of one weir section (block Operational_Weir) : This block contains conditions and data necessary to control the height and change of height of one weir section. This block can be used multiple times. Different weir sections can use the same Operational_Weir block, if all weir sections should be controlled in the same way. Different weir sections have to use different Operational_Weir blocks, if they shuld be controlled in a different way. Different means, that the weir type (bottom_up or top_down) is different or the sill depth of the weir is different or the conditions to close and open the weir are different. The name of the weir is the description to identify the block from outside.
- Key "Weir_Name" : Description of the weir without blank spaces. The descriptions of different Operational_Weir blocks have to be different. The description will be used to identify the block from outside (e.g. from a utromp2009 steering file).
- Key "Weir_Type" : Type of the weir (bottom_up oder top_down). If this key will not be used "bottom_up" will be used. This information must coincide with the information in the corresponding utromp2009 steering file.
- bottom_up: The weir gate opens to the bottom. Water can flow over the gate only.
- top_down: The weir gate opens to the top. Water can flow beneath the gate only.
- Key "Target_Weir_Height" : Target height of the weir after a control operation
- This key can be used multiple times to define different target heights
- Parameter 1 defines a unique name. This name has to be used later on as a reference.
- Parameter 2 defines the height in m above mean sea level.
- Key "Start_Weir_Height" : Name of the initial weir height at the beginning of the model run. The name must refer to parameter 1 of key "Target_Weir_Height".
- Key "Weir_Speed" : Speed of weir gates to change the height of the weir.
- Parameter 1 defines a unique name. This name has to be used later on as a reference.
- Parameter 2 defines the speed in m/s.
- This key can be used multiple times to define different speeds (e.g. a typical speed and a maximum speed in case of a dangerous situation).
- Key "Observation_Coordinates" : Coordinates of an observation point, where model results can be measured.
- Important: An observation point should always be wet. Otherwise no control conditions to open or close a weir gate can be checked.
- Parameter 1 defines a unique name. This name has to be used later on as a reference.
- Parameter 2 and 3 defines the spatial position (x- and y-coordinates).
- Parameter 4 defines the vertikal position in m above mean sea level.
- Key "Threshold" : Threshold of a measurement value that has to be exceeded to start the change of a weir height.
- Parameter 1 defines a unique name. This name has to be used later on as a reference.
- Parameter 2 defines the type of threshold. The following types are defined:
- "waterlevel" = threshold to be compared with a waterlevel at an observation point
- "current_magnitude" = threshold to be compared with a current velocity magnitude at an observation point
- "current_direction" = threshold to be compared with a current direction at an observation point
- "diff_waterlevel" = threshold to be compared with a waterlevel difference between two observation points
- "diff_current_magnitude" = threshold to be compared with a current velocity magnitude difference between two observation points
- "gradt_waterlevel" = threshold to be compared with the speed of waterlevel changes at an observation point
- "date" = threshold to be compared with the current date of simulation
- "time" = threshold to be compared with the current time of simulation
- "day_of_week" = threshold to be compared with the current date of the week of simulation
- Parameter 3 defines the threshold value. The following forms with respect to the type of threshold are allowed:
- "waterlevel": Floating point value in m above mean sea level
- "current_magnitude": Floating point value in m/s, greater or equal to 0
- "current_direction": Floating point value in degrees east (0 degree = direction points to the east ; 90 degree = direction points to the north ; 180 degree = direction points to the west ; 270 degree = direction points to the south)
- "diff_waterlevel": Floating point value in m
- "diff_current_magnitude": Floating point value in m/s
- "gradt_waterlevel": Floating point value in m/h (!)
- "date": String of characters , Format = "DD.MM.YYYY"
- "time": String of characters , Format = "hh:mm:ss" or "hh:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn"
- "day_of_week": Integer value with the following meaning: 1=sunday ; 2=monday ; 3=tuesday ; 4=wednesday ; 5=thursday ; 6=friday ; 7=saturday
- Key "Control_Condition" : Information about control conditions, which have to be fullfilled to start opening or closing a weir. There are three different types of control conditions. Each of them will be described as follows:
- Type 1: Compare a computed value at an observation point with a threshold
- Parameter 1 defines a unique name. This name has to be used later on as a reference.
- Parameter 2 is the name of the observation point as defined in key "Observation_Coordinates".
- Parameter 3 is the comparison operator: Allowed are ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "==" or "/="
- Parameter 4 is the name of the threshold as defined in key "threshold".
- Type 2: Compare the difference of computed values at two different observation points with a threshold
- Parameter 1 defines a unique name. This name has to be used later on as a reference.
- Parameter 2 are the two names of the observation points as defined in the key "Observation_Coordinates". The order of the names is important to compute the right sign of the difference. The notation ist "name1[-]name2" (without blank spaces).
- Parameter 3 is the comparison operator: Allowed are ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "==" or "/="
- Parameter 4 is the name of the threshold as defined in key "threshold".
- Type 3: Two different control conditions will be connected logically with "AND" or "OR"
- Parameter 1 defines a unique name. This name has to be used later on as a reference.
- Parameter 2 is the name of control condition one.
- Parameter 3 is the connecting operator: Allowed are "AND" or "OR".
- Parameter 4 is the name of control condition two.
- Type 1: Compare a computed value at an observation point with a threshold
- Key "Conditional_Weir_Height" : Combination of a control condition, which has to be fullfilled to start open or close a weir and a target weir height. At least one combination of control condition and target weir height is necessary. Typically there are two combinations, one to close a weir and one to re-open it.
- Parameter 1 is the name of control condition, which has to be fullfilled to start open or close a weir. The name must refer to parameter 1 of key "Control_Condition".
- Parameter 2 defines a priority value as an integer. The higher this value the higher the priority of the condition behind this combination. The priorität is important only in case there are different conditions fullfilled at the same time. In this case the new target weir height will be the one with the highest priority. It is not allowed to use identical priority values.
- Parameter 3 is the name of the new target weir height. The name must refer to parameter 1 of key "Target_Weir_Height".
- Parameter 4 is the name of the speed of the weir gates to change the height. The name must refer to parameter 1 of key "Weir_Speed".
- Parameter 5 defines a stopping time period (format = "dddddd-hh:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn"). The stopping time is a period starting directly after reaching the target weir height. During this period no conditions will be checked. As a result it is not possible that the height of the weir can change again during this period. The stopping time period can be zero. But a stopping time period larger than zero makes sense to rule out unwanted weir closings or openings because of up or downsurges.
- Key "Observation_Start_End" : Start and end of a time period where control conditions to open or close a weir will be checked. This gives the user the opportunity to limit the checking of control conditions to a part of the simulation period. The user can define several periods by using this key multiple times. Without this key the control conditions to open or close a weir will be checked during the whole simulation period.
- Parameter 1 defines the starting date and time. Format = "DD.MM.YYYY-hh:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn"
- Parameter 2 defines the ending date and time (same format).
General Remarks
- While reading this steering data file the dictionary file op_weir_dico.dat will be automatically accessed in directory $PROGHOME/dic/ to support input.
Programs using this Type of File
please refer to $PROGHOME/examples/untrim2009/op_weir.dat
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