

From BAWiki

Revision as of 10:02, 7 July 2017 by imported>Lang Guenther (list of names for dim_space integrated)

Basic Information






July 2017


July 2016

Significance of the File

contains general steering data for the program NC2TABLE.

File-Contents (in Catchwords)

steering data

  • Block Program_Parameters: general steering data
    1. ASCII_Output_Format: format for output file(s)
      1. csv : nc2table.csv, store results in CSV format
    2. Max_Read_Storage: maximum number of data values stored in one READ cycle.
    3. (optional) Create_Missing_Variables: enable automatic creation of missing variables, e. g. for D-Flow FM result files.
      1. 0 : disabled (Default);
      2. 1 : enabled.
    4. (optional) Fortran_Format: Fortran-Format, e.g. F10.3.
      1. In case this key is specified, this value will be used as default for all output variables.
      2. In case this key is not specified, program default G15.8 will be used.
      3. Only valid formats defined in nc2table_dico.dat are allowed to be used.
    5. (optional) Min_Water_Depth: minimum water coverage in [m], up to which data values are considered being valid.
      1. In case this key is specified, this value will be used as default for all output variables.
      2. In case this key is not specified, program default 0.0 will be applied.
      3. Works only for variables which have an auxiliary variable of type total water depth.
    6. (optional) NOBS_Filter: description of filter type and filter value.
      1. filter type:
        1. EQ : results will be only shown as long as the number of observations are identical to a prescribed value.
        2. LE : results will be only shown when the number of observations is less or equal to a prescribed value.
        3. GE : results will be only shown when the number of observations is greater or equal to a prescribed value.
      2. filter value:
        1. N : 0 := maximum number of observations; N := number of observations N; -M := maximum number of observations minus M.
      3. In case this key is specified, this filter will be used as default for all output variables..
      4. In case this key is not specified, program default no filter will be used.
      5. Works only for variables which have an auxiliary variable of type number of observations.
    7. (optional) Undefined_String
      1. In case this key is specified, this value will be used as default for all output variables.
      2. In case this key is not specified, program default --undefined- will be used.
    8. (optional) Date_Time_Format: string definition for date and time output format.
      1. In case this key is not specified, program default ISO8601 (see ISO 8601) will be used.
      2. In case this key is specified, the following components may be used
        YYYY : year
        MM : month
        DD : day
        hh : hour
        mm : minute
        ss : second
        n : parts of a second, from n (1/10 sec) to nnnnnnn (1/100000000 sec)
        ZZZZ : time zone (as text)
        zzzz : time zone as integer number
        Further characters ".", ":", "-" or " ".
        examples: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss ; YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.nnn ZZZZ.
    9. (optional) Time_Diff_Format: string definition for time differences output format.
      1. In case this key is not specified, program default ISO8601 (see ISO 8601) will be used.
      2. In case this key is specified, the following components may be used
        V : sign
        D : day, from D to DDDDDD
        hh : hour
        mm : minute
        ss : second
        n : parts of a second, from n (1/10 sec) to nnnnnnn (1/100000000 sec)
        Further characters ".", ":", "-" or " ".
        examples: Vhh:mm:ss .
    10. (optional) Hor_Coord_Format: Output format for (geographical) coordinates.
      1. Format XY: local coordinates as real numbers.
      2. Format GEO_LON_LAT: geographical coordinates as real number (in degree).
      3. Format GEO_DEGREE: geographical coordinates in degree, minute, second (and fractions of a second) plus specification of direction N, S, E or W (default).
  • Block Input_Variable_Info (IVI): informations about variables (can be specified more than once)
    1. Name: short name.
      1. In case several IVI blocks are specified, Name must be unique.
      2. In case several IVIs are extracted to one table Name is used as column/row header.
    2. File: file name and file type
      1. name of file from which data shall be extracted, type
      2. file type NETCDF.
    3. Variable: name of variable to be extracted. Must be contained in File.
    4. (optional) Fortran_Format: Fortran format.
      1. Overrides program default or value specified in Block Program_Parameters . See block Program_Parameters.
      2. For variables with time, special format TI may be specified. In this case Date_Time_Format will be used for output.
      3. For variables with time differences (periods), special format DT may be specified. In this case Time_Diff_Format will be used for output.
    5. (optional) Display_Unit: physical unit to be used during data extraction.
      1. Must be known in $PROGHOME/cfg/
      2. Actually transformation is only supported in case the SI base doesn't change, e.g. from m to cm.
      3. In case this key is missing, original variable units are used.
    6. Min_Water_Depth: minimum water coverage in [m], up to which data values are considered being valid.
      1. Overrides program default or value specified in block Program_Parameters. See block Program_Parameters.
    7. (optional) NOBS_Filter: description of filter type and filter value.
      1. Overrides program default or value specified in block Program_Parameters. See block Program_Parameters.
  • Block Coordinate_Space_Info (CSI): informations about coordinate dimensions (can be specified more than once)
    1. Name: short name.
      1. In case several CSI blocks are specified, Name must be unique.
    2. Dim_Name: name of coordinate dimension.
      1. Must be a valid dimension of variables referenced in IVI blocks.
      2. For all the variables listed in IVI blocks all of their used dimensions should be specified in CSI blocks.
      3. Dimensions not specified but in use are considered being used with full dimension. This can result in a rather large number of tables to be extracted.
    3. Dim_Space: range of (coordinate) values (four different options)
      1. : : all values.
      2. <startindex>:<endindex>:<schrittweite> : equidistant selection.
      3. indices=<index1>,<index2>,<index3>,...,<indexN> : list of individual coordinate values.
      4. names=<name1>,<name2>,<name3>,...,<nameN> : list of names. Must be defined in a respective label coordinate variable.
  • Block Table_Design_Info (TDI): basic design of a table (can be specified more than once).
    1. Name: short name.
      1. In case several TDI blocks are specified, Name must be unique.
    2. First_Column_IVI: valid Name from block Input_Variable_Info.
      1. Will be used to construct the first column of a table.
    3. First_Row_IVI: Valid Name from block Input_Variable_Info.
      1. Will be used to construct the first row of a table.
    4. (optional) Row_CSI: Valid Name from block Coordinate_Space_Info
      1. Defines the coordinate (dimension) for the rows of the table.
    5. (optional) Column_CSI: Valid Name from block Coordinate_Space_Info
      1. Defines the coordinate (dimension) for the columns of the table.
      2. Column_CSI may not contain more than 34 values (= columns).
    6. (optional) Other_CSI: Valid Name from block Coordinate_Space_Info
      1. Several CSIs can be specified in one line.
      2. Defines the reach of all other dimensions.
      3. The number of tables generated is typically equal to the product of the number of entries in the other coordinates.
    7. Remarks with respect to Row_CSI and Column_CSI
      1. If in a block of type Table_Contents_Info a table consists out of only one IVI, both dimensions, Column_CSI and Row_CSI must be specified in the TDI used.
      2. If in a block of type Table_Contents_Info a table consists out of multiple IVIs, either Column_CSI or Row_CSI must be specified.
      3. Large dimensions, e.g. number of time steps, can only be processed as Row_CSI, because the maximum number of columns is limited.
  • Block Table_Contents_Info (TCI): design and contents for a (series of) table(s) (can be specified more than once).
    1. Name: short name.
      1. The folowing file(s) is (are) created for this type of table:
        <tci:name>_<nnnnnn>.csv (data)
        <tci_name>_<nnnnnn>.txt (metadata)
      2. In case several TCI blocks are specified, Name must be unique.
    2. TDI: Valid Name from block Table_Design_Info
      1. Will be used to design the table.
    3. IVI: Valid Name from block Input_Variable_Info.
      1. Is used to define the contents of the table.
      2. Can be specified more than once. In this case the respective TDI may contain either a Row_CSI or a Column_CSI.

General Remarks

  1. Dictionary file used from directory $PROGHOME/dic/:
    • nc2table_dico.dat.

Programs using this Type of File




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