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Basic Information
Juli 2012
Juli 2012
Significance of the File
coupling files for DelWAQ
File-Contents (in Catchwords)
- ASCII files
- Binray files (STREAM, SEQUENTIAL, little endian)
- Filetype .poi
- All (control) volumes are numbered from 1 to NOSEQ.
- All boundary volumes are numbered from -1 to -NOBND.
- For all NOQ exchange faces (exchanges) the FROM-TO volumes must be specified.
- Four (INTEGER) numbers each: FROM, TO, FROM-1 and TO+1.
- Postive flow is directed FROM - TO.
- Horizontal exchange faces first, vertical exchange faces second.
- In case of 3D layerwise from top to bottom.
- Filetype .flo
- Fluxes for all NOQ exchange faces (observe FROM - TO). Fluxes are mean flows within the averaging period.
- For each record:
- (INTEGER) time in seconds since reference date.
- (REAL SINGLE) mean flow in [m**3/s] for the averaging period.
- Remark: At the end of the last averaging interval also a record has to be written. Solely the time stamp is used. Data are neglected.
- Filetype .vol
- Water volumes in [m**3] for all NOSEQ control volumes.
- Volume must be >= 0.0.
- For each record:
- (INTEGER) time in seconds since reference date.
- (REAL SINGLE) water volumes in [m**3].
- Remark: At the end of the last averaging interval also a record has to be written. But now time as well as data are of relevance.
- Filetype .are
- Mean flow area in [m**2] for all NOQ exchanges.
- Flow area must always be > 0.0.
- For each record:
- (INTEGER) time in seconds since reference date.
- (REAL SINGLE) flow area in [m**2].
- Remark: Identical with .flo.
- Filetype .srf
- Representative horizontal area in [m**2] for all NOSEQ control volumes.
- Relevant for the determination of average depth, impact of sedimentation and deposition, solar radiation etc.
- For each record:
- (INTEGER) time in seconds since reference date.
- (REAL SINGLE) horizontal area in [m**2].
- Remark: Identical with .flo.
- Filetype .len
- Typical distance in [m] to adjacent control volumes for all NOQ exchanges.
- A FROM as well as a TO distance must be specified.
- For the first record:
- (INTEGER) time in seconds since reference date.
- (REAL SINGLE) FROM and TO distances in [m].
- Remark: no change in time, write only once.
- Filetype .poi
- cf-netcdf.nc
- Filetype .nc
- Grid as well as volume aggregation table.
- For further informations see NetCDF DelWAQ data.
- Filetype .nc
Programs using this Type of File
UNTRIM2, D-Water Quality Delft Suite
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