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Basic Information
Name of Program
June 1996
June 1996
finite difference model
FIDISOR/FIDIRB preprocessor
deepening a topography along a fairway
Short Description of Functionality
With the program fd2riba you can deepen finite difference topographies in the area of fairways. You can set the new depth along the fairway individually. Further on, the program recognizes areas of great depths within the fairway and areas with special bottom structures (ripples) and deepen these areas in special ways. Last but not least the program controls and if need to deepens the depth of embankment cells.
- (req) general input data (filetype fd2riba.dat)
- (req) original topography (filetype topo.bin)
- (req) polygon of the fairway (filetype fd2bagger.poly)
- (opt) reference list with the new depths and the slope along the fairway (filetype fd2bagger.reflist)
- (opt) list with kilometer marks along the fairway (filetype fd2bagger.flusskm)
- (opt) list with the beginning and end marks of all ripple areas (filetype fd2bagger.riffel)
- (opt) list of all cells to be protected (filetype fd2bagger.cellsave)
- (opt) integer matrix (description see below) (filetype fd-matrix.bin)
- Deepened topography (filetype topo.bin)
- (opt) integer matrix (description see below) (filetype fd-matrix.bin) (will be generated, if not yet existant).
The heart of the program is the calculation of an integer matrix with the same number of rows and columns as the finite difference topography. With this matrix the program can set a code to every cell of the topograpy. These codes steer the behaviour of deepening the cells. The meaning of all codes:
- -200: cell is not active
- -10: cell is active, but outside the fairway
- -6: cell has a correct embankment slope
- 0: cell is active and in neighbourhood to the fairway
- 2: cell is active and partly inside the fairway
- 5: cell is active and mostly or fully inside the fairway
Program(s) to run before this Program
Program(s) to run after this Program
Additional Information
Additional software
Original Version
J. Jürges
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