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Basic Information
Name of Program
December 2019
December 2019
time series
measurement data
model data
Short Description of Functionality
GVIEW2D gives a graphical representation of time-dependent physical quantities at a given position (so called geo position).
Measured time-dependent data (e.g. water level at a gauging station) as well as results from 2D and 3D model simulations (e.g. current velocity) as well as postprocessed analysis data (e.g. tide high water) can be displayed. Truely three-dimensional data may be displayed for different layers as lines or markers and for all layers in a color shaded way.
Result files of model simulations and postprocessed analysis data files are available often (see dirz.bin). GVIEW2D can process these result files if they are associated with grid data files of the formats gitter05.dat/bin, untrim_grid.dat, profil05.bin or location_grid.dat
Using (see dirz.bin) result files it is recommended to use time-series dataset files instead of synoptic dataset files (but not necessarily, because both dataset types are supported). Time-series dataset files contain time-dependent data of one position in each record. Synoptic dataset files contain position-dependent data of one date in each record. So reading time series data from a time-series dataset file it is necessary to read just one record, but reading time series data from a synoptic dataset file it is necessary to read as much records as dates are available. It is highly recommended to use the program ZEITR to change the dataset type of a BDF data format file from synoptic datasets to time-series datasets.
Possibilities of visualization:
- Visualization of time series (examples)
- x axis is the time axis;
- y axis is the physical value axis;
- it is possible to put curves representing different physical quantities in one chart;
- time series charts can contain more than one y axis.
- Visualization of depth profiles (example)
- y axis is the depth axis;
- reference axis is the depth axis;
- it is possible to put curves representing different physical quantities in one chart;
- depth profile charts can contain more than one x axis.
- Color shaded visualization of time and depth dependant data (example)
- x axis is the time axis;
- y axis is the depth axis;
- physical data will be represented in different colors with respect to different values.
- Scatter plot (example)
- y axis is the physical value axis of the first chosen time series;
- x axis is the physical value axis of the second chosen time series;
- it is possible to choose time series representing different physical quantities as input;
- a chart of this type is generated by the GVIEW2D calculation function ScatPlot;
- Scatter plots are quadratic in the first instance. In the EditView area the chart width can be switched back to picture width. The button QuadScatPlot toggles the associated axis attributte.
main menu of the program:
- The button NewData: Closes the actual picture and starts a new one.
- The button AddData: Adds another data visualization to the actual picture.
Further data can be loaded and visualized in the actual picture.
In the AddData menu the GVIEW2D calculation functions can be reached. This functions derives further data from the visualized data in the picture.
- The button DeleteData: Deletes existing curves and charts from the actual picture.
- The button TimeJourney: Visual walking through time series.
GVIEW2D gives the user the possibility to travel through the sections of time series. A time window and a time increment will be defined and can be changed by the user. This functionality gives the user a chance of zooming and panning on the time axis in a fast and easy way.
- The button AsciiOut: ASCII output of visualized curve data .
Data of visualized curves can be stored in ASCII files. time series data will be writen in files of type boewrt.dat and depth profile data will be stored in files of type zprofil.dat.
- The button EditView: The attributes of picture elements (curve, axis, etc.) can be changed.
Further informations:
- Axis descriptions and datum formattings in english:
Visualization of axis descriptions and datum formattings can be switched to english language. You can set the language after starting the program. Wait for the question "Bitte waehlen Sie die Sprache fuer Beschriftungen" and answer this question by typing 2 (=english).
- Visualization of data curves/lines:
- For data curve visualization you can choose between lines only, lines and markers or markers only.
- Different markers are provided: Dots (.), plus signs (+), asterisks (*), circles and crosses (x).
- Formating the picture elements:
- Attributes of axes, lines and markers (color, type, size, ...) can be defined in the programs general input data file gview2d.dat.
- The attributes of picture elements can be changed on-the-fly. Use the EditView button to do this.
Example graphics for typical usecases:
- Visualization of time series
- Visualization of depth profiles
- Visualization of time and depth dependant data
- Visualization of GVIEW2D-Calculations
- (required) general input data gview2d.dat)
Reading this file the program uses a file description file (filetype gview2d_dico.dat stored in the directory $PROGHOME/dic/. - (required) layout information (filetype layout.dat)
- (required) colour table definitions file (filetype lights.dat)
This file serves predefined axis value ranges for different physical quantities. - (required) colours file (file of type colors.dat)
- (optional) list of predefined geo positions (filetype location.dat).
Geo positions serves access to time series of preselected 2D nodes. This list is usefull only in the context of using time series data stored in the BDF data format (see dirz.bin). - (optional) (measured) time series data (filetype boewrt.dat)
- (optional) (computed) time series data of the hydrodynamic models Trim-2D and Trim-3D (filetype knoerg.bin)
- (optional) (computed) time series data and time-dependent analysis data stored in files of the BDF data format (see dirz.bin) (filetypes dirz.bin.r dirz.bin.i dirz.bin)
- (optional) grid data for BDF data files (filetypes gitter05.dat/bin, untrim_grid.dat, profil05.bin or location_grid.dat)
- (optional) GKS-Logfile (filetype gkslog.dat)
Notice: if within the working directory a file with the name gview2d_log.dat exists, the stored information about a former GVIEW2D application run is used to rerun the recorded one in precisely the same way.
Furthermore the following standard configuration files from the directory $PROGHOME/cfg/ are required:
- GKS parameter file: gkssystem.computername.dat
- definition of physical quantities and physical units: phydef.cfg.de/en.dat, phydef.cfg.rest.dat, phydef.cfg.si.dat, phydef-cf.cfg.dat
- definition of hatching styles: hatch.cfg.dat
- DE/EN fraction names: fracdef.cfg.dat'
- (required) graphical output to the screen
- (optional) informative printer file (filetype gview2d.sdr)
- (optional) plot metafile(s) (GKSM or CGM) and scale info file(s) (gview2d???.gksm.scale or gview2d???.cgm.scale) for later calculation of geo-referenced coordinates
- (optional) trace of program execution (filetype gview2d.trc)
- (optional) GKS-Logfile (filetype gkslog.dat)
Notice: This file is used to record all interactive user input for a complete GVIEW2D application run. This file can be used at a later stage to rerun the whole session in exactly the same way. - (optional) visualized curve time series data (filetype boewrt.dat)
- (optional) visualized curve depth profile data (filetype zprofil.dat)
- (optional) colour table (Dateityp lights.dat)
before the end of program execution there is a possibility to store all interactively changed axis and color adjustments to a (new) file of this type.
selection of time series data
The user selects data step by step:
- Data file selection. All selectable data files are defined in the general input data file (filetype gview2d.dat)
- Physical quantities selection. The program offers only physical quantities contained in the selected data file.
- Data variant selection selection. After selecting the physical quantity the user selects the data variant of this quantity, if there are more than one variant. For example the quantity suspended load concentration can have some variants to discern between different grain sizes or settling velocities.
- Chart type selection. Three types are realized: time series / depth profile / time depth visualization (2D)
- Data position selection. If the selected data file is of the (see dirz.bin type, then the selection of the data position is supported by graphical output (grid visualization) and the list of predefined geo positions can be used.
- Depth layer selection. This selection will be presented only if the time series data is depth dependent and if the selected
- chart is of type time series. Only allowed layers are selectable, but layers can contain datums with no data because of a water
- level lower than the selected layer (dry datums).
- Time selection. This selection will be presented only if the selected chart is of type depth profile.
- Chart selection. The user gets the possibility to put a new curve to an existing chart or to create a new chart (only for
- line curves).
Internal storage of time series data
After the selection of the time series data the programs reads the data from file and stores it in an internal data structure. This internal data structure is optimized for visualization and contains the following components:
- List of all pictures. This list is necessary to display two pictures at the same time in a portrait orientated layout. Each
- picture knows all containing charts.
- List of all charts. Each chart knows all containing curves.
- List of all curves. Each curve knows all containing vectors and the associated x- and y-axis. At least three vectors belong
- to a curve: One vector for all x values, one vector for all y values and one vector for all dry/wet codings.
- List of all vectors. Each vector contains a data row. That is e.g. a row of dates, a row of physical quantity values or a
- row of dry/wet codings.
- List of all axes. Each axis knows all containing labels.
- List of all labels. Each label represents a mark on an axis.
Advantages made possible by the internal storage
Because of the internal storage of time series data it is possible for the user to do the following:
- Additional time series data can be stored from file into the internal data structure bit by bit. So the user can let grow the graphic step by step.
- Graphical attributes (e.g. colours, linetypes, character heights, axis value ranges, ...) can be changed by the user on the fly.
- New time series can be calculated internally. Theese are
- addition of two time series or of a time series and a constant
- subtraction of two time series
- Scaling of a time series with a constant factor
- Creation of smoothed time series by various filters (median, arith. mean, Nadaraya-Watson)
- Creation of the lienar regression line of a scatter plot
- Creation of time derivative of a time serie
- physical units are shown in GO conformal typesetting since version of December 2019. The environment variable UNIT_REPRESENTATION must be altered to get the traditional typesetting of units. The following settings are possible:
- export UNIT_REPRESENTATION="PHYDEF" shows the units in traditional format, but with a preceding "in ".
- export UNIT_REPRESENTATION="OLDSTYLE" shows the units in traditional format as in former versions of the program.
Program(s) to run before this Program
Program(s) to run after this Program
Additional Information
Additional software
GKS (GTS-Gral)
Original Version
template files are available in $PROGHOME/examples/gview2d/
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