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Basic Information
Name of Program
April 2021
April 2021
time series
Short Description of Functionality
The program ZEITRIO reads and writes data files, that contain time series in different formats. It is possible to read the file-types listed below. They can be wrote as boewrt.dat, as ASCII columns or CSV format afterwards. Concatenation of multible files is supported. A BOEWRT status flag is eventually be generated or transported.
- data file(s) with time series of type boewrt.dat. A list of several files can be concatenated by the command line argument -srclist=<file>.
- data file(s) with time series of type solwrt.dat.
- data file(s) with time series of type 6dph.dat.
- data file(s) with time series of type trbnk.dat.
- data file(s) with time series of type aander.dat.
- data file(s) with time series of type dwdwin.dat.
- data file(s) with time series of type WSA Bremen.
- data file(s) with time series of type peg.dat.
- data file(s) with time series of type pegel.his.
- data file(s) with time series of type extab.dat (Excel table with separators Blanks, Tabs, comma, semicolon).
- data file(s) with time series of type WSA Emden.
- data file(s) with time series of type column oriented MATLAB matrix.
- data file(s) with time series of type ZRX.
- data file(s) with time series of type WOCE gauge data.
- data file(s) with time series of type knoerg.bin.
- data file(s) with time series of type CSV of the BfG "Pegel-Online" Service.
- data file(s) with time series of type CSV provided by ftp://ftp-cdc.dwd.de/pub/CDC/
- data file(s) with time series of type ALL (Kisters export of WISKI database)
- netCDF files with timeseries from http://www.marineinsitu.eu/dashboard/
- generic CSV file interface allowing free choice of columns .
- optional input data of type zeitrio.dat. This file defines time intervals in case that the output (boewrt.dat only) should be devided into several seperate files of a certain length.
The number of output file types was limited to really useful standard formats.
- data file with time series of type boewrt.dat (output modes 1 and 2)..
- data file with time series as ASCII-columns and a separate header file (a format which can be used with MATLAB, SCILAB or Mathematica)
- data file with time series of type CSV with an one line header of type (Zeitpunkt; property 1; property 2; ....) for Delft-FEWS (output mode 4).
- printer protocol file (zeitrio.sdr).
- (optional) terminal input protocol of type gkslog.dat.
After defining a reference date, which is important when reading or writing a file with relative time information (e.g. solwrt.dat) a time series file is read. Please note, that only one time series at one knot can be read and processed at the same time. Optionally further time series files can be concatenated then. The file type can be switched for each file to read. After reading process has finished, the time series will be ordered chronologically and double as well as unvalid times are rejected.
The time series are wrote to a file using the format defined by the user. If writing boewrt.dat there is the additional option to write defined time intervals (e.g. days) into separate files. The date of the day is part of the file name. Measured values additionally get the BOEWRT status flag 2 ("untested") where the flag data are not read from the input file. Calculated values ("knoerg.bin") get the status "good" (1).
Optionally the time series will be interpolated to equidistant time steps. Larger time gaps can optionally filled with a dummy value (fill value, output mode 1) or eliminated (output mode 2) on output. The user defines a minmal value for time gaps to be recognized large. The printer protocol file provides information about significant gaps in time axis. Interpolation of smaller gaps is be done alternatively by spline or linear interpolation. The BOEWRT status flag indicates whether the values are interpolated. Those values get the flags "untested", "interpolated" and eventually "good" or "suspicious".
The output time period is determined by the interactive user input. If several input files are read during one cycle, the first start time and last end time determine the output period. If output mode 1 is chosen, eventually fill values are added during equidistant interpolation before the first valid measurement time and after the last valid measurement time. Unlike Versions before February 2020, the program doesent stop with an error, if the time period, specified by the user is not completely covered. Check output files and standard output for warnings!
Attention: Versions before February 2020 were not able to correctly deal with fill values during interpolation of more than one physical quantity at once. Now this functionality is implemented. But still check your results! BOEWRT timeseries for input can start with empty data records ("fill_values") since version 2020_10_15 to be processed anyway.
Time series of type MATLAB matrix, ZRX or "exctab.dat" can be filtered and recalculated with an offset and scaling for the data values. Absolute date and time will always be calculated by special operators with high accuracy.
During reading and interpolation, eventually a BOEWRT status flag is created. Check correctness of those flags befor further processing the files.
Since Version June 2020 interpolation of BOEWRT status flags takes the neighbouring flag values into account. If both neighbours are "good", the interpolated value becomes "good" too. If one of them is "suspicious", the interpolated flag becomes "suspicious". Interpolated values are always "untested"!
The number of interactiv dialogs can be reduced by giving command line arguments. This feature is available since version 2020_10_15. The command zeitrio[.i18] -h helps in using this feature.
An executable is available for LINUX as well as WINDOWS platforms.
Program(s) to run before this Program
spreadsheet software (e.g. MS Office EXCEL, LibreOffice Calc ),FFT, FRQ2ZEITR, GVIEW2D, MATLAB, MESKOR, SCILAB, TSCALC, TRIM-2D, TRIM-3D, XTRDATA
Program(s) to run after this Program
Additional Information
Additional software
libgeodesy, NTv2 mesh files for coordinate transformation (see also GEOTRANSFORMER).
Original Version
J. Jürges
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