
Publication "Unstable vertical salinity gradients caused by fluid mud formation in the hyper-turbid Ems estuary - data documentation

Aus BAWiki

Version vom 29. März 2018, 05:49 Uhr von imported>Maushake Christian

Supplement to "Maushake, C.; Becker, M.; Wehr , D.; Kösters,F. (2018): Unstable vertical salinity gradients caused by fluid mud formation in the hyper-turbid Ems estuary, submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans"

CTD / OBS - Data
This data set consists of vertical CTD / OBS - casts through the water column in the lower Ems estuary between Ems-km 3 and 18. Every XLSX-File represents one longitudinal survey around highwater of the particular day.

CTD / OBS - casts Ems-km 5-19, 29-June-2015 (xlsx-File, 1 MB)
CTD / OBS - casts Ems-km 6-13, 01-July-2015 (xlsx-File, 0.95 MB)
CTD / OBS - casts Ems-km 3-13, 03-July-2015, 12:50-13:50 (xlsx-File, 085 MB)
CTD / OBS - casts Ems-km 3-12, 03-July-2015, 1350-14:50 (xlsx-File, 0.26 MB)

Salinity / Suspended Solid Concentration (SSC) / Bulk density grid files

current velocities / waterlevel data

SES rawdata