
NetCDF Unstrukturiertes Gitter mit SubGrid

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Version vom 8. September 2010, 13:12 Uhr von imported>Lang Guenther (Sicherheitskopie)

Kurze Beschreibung

Unstrukturiertes Gitter mit zusätzlichen SubGrid-Informationen.

Inhalt der Datei


nMesh2_node = number of nodes (vertices) ;
nMesh2_edge = number of edges ;
nMesh2_poly = number of polygons (triangles, quadrilaterals) ;
nMaxMesh2_poly_nodes = maximum number of nodes of a polygon ;
nMaxMesh2_poly_edges = maximum number of edges of a polygon ;
Two = 2 ;


Lokale Koordinaten


double Mesh2_node_x(nMesh2_node) ;
Mesh2_node_x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
Mesh2_node_x:long_name = "x-coordinate of 2D mesh nodes" ;
Mesh2_node_x:units = "m" ;
double Mesh2_node_y(nMesh2_node) ;
Mesh2_node_y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
Mesh2_node_y:long_name = "y-coordinate of 2D mesh nodes" ;
Mesh2_node_y:units = "m" ;


double Mesh2_edge_x(nMesh2_edge) ;
Mesh2_edge_x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
Mesh2_edge_x:long_name = "characteristic x-coordinate of 2D mesh edges, e.g. edge center" ;
Mesh2_edge_x:units = "m" ;
double Mesh2_edge_y(nMesh2_edge) ;
Mesh2_edge_y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
Mesh2_edge_y:long_name = "characteristic y-coordinate of 2D mesh edges, e.g. edge center" ;
Mesh2_edge_y:units = "m" ;


double Mesh2_poly_x(nMesh2_poly) ;
Mesh2_poly_x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
Mesh2_poly_x:long_name = "characteristic x-coordinate of 2D mesh polygons, e.g. circumcenter" ;
Mesh2_poly_x:units = "m" ;
double Mesh2_poly_y(nMesh2_poly) ;
Mesh2_poly_y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
Mesh2_poly_y:long_name = "characteristic y-coordinate of 2D mesh polygons, e.g. circumcenter" ;
Mesh2_poly_y:units = "m" ;

Geografische Koordinaten


double Mesh2_node_lon(nMesh2_node) ;
Mesh2_node_lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
Mesh2_node_lon:long_name = "longitude of 2D mesh nodes" ;
Mesh2_node_lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
double Mesh2_node_lat(nMesh2_node) ;
Mesh2_node_lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
Mesh2_node_lat:long_name = "latitude of 2D mesh nodes" ;
Mesh2_node_lat:units = "degrees_north" ;


double Mesh2_edge_lon(nMesh2_edge) ;
Mesh2_edge_lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
Mesh2_edge_lon:long_name = "characteristic longitude of 2D mesh edges, e.g. edge center" ;
Mesh2_edge_lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
double Mesh2_edge_lat(nMesh2_edge) ;
Mesh2_edge_lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
Mesh2_edge_lat:long_name = "characteristic latitude of 2D mesh edges, e.g. edge center" ;
Mesh2_edge_lat:units = "degrees_north" ;


double Mesh2_poly_lon(nMesh2_poly) ;
Mesh2_poly_lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
Mesh2_poly_lon:long_name = "characteristic longitude of 2D mesh polygons, e.g. circumcenter" ;
Mesh2_poly_lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
double Mesh2_poly_lat(nMesh2_poly) ;
Mesh2_poly_lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
Mesh2_poly_lat:long_name = "characteristic latitude of 2D mesh polygons, e.g. circumcenter" ;
Mesh2_poly_lat:units = "degrees_north" ;



double Mesh2_node_depth(nMesh2_node) ;
Mesh2_node_depth:standard_name = "'sea_floor_depth_below_geoid" ;
Mesh2_node_depth:long_name = "sea floor depth of 2D mesh nodes" ;
Mesh2_node_depth:units = "m" ;
Mesh2_node_depth:coordinates = "Mesh2_node_lon Mesh2_node_lat"
Mesh2_node_depth:_FillValue = "fillvalue"
Mesh2_node_depth:valid_range = "valid minimum, valid maximum"
Mesh2_node_depth:grid_mapping = "crs"


Knotenverzeichnis der Polygone

integer Mesh2_poly_nodes(nMesh2_poly,nMaxMesh2_poly_nodes)
Mesh2_poly_nodes:standard_name = "???" ; \\ yet to be determined
Mesh2_poly_nodes:long_name = "list of 2D mesh nodes for all 2D mesh polygons" ;
Mesh2_poly_nodes:_FillValue = "fillvalue" \\ indicates missing nodes
Mesh2_poly_nodes:valid_range = "valid minimum, valid maximum"

Kantenverzeichnis der Polygone

integer Mesh2_poly_edges(nMesh2_poly,nMaxMesh2_poly_edges)
Mesh2_poly_edges:standard_name = "???" ; \\ yet to be determined
Mesh2_poly_edges:long_name = "list of 2D mesh edges for all 2D mesh polygons" ;
Mesh2_poly_edges:_FillValue = "fillvalue" \\ indicates missing edges
Mesh2_poly_edges:valid_range = "valid minimum, valid maximum"

Knotenverzeichnis der Kanten

integer Mesh2_edge_nodes(nMesh2_edge,Two)
Mesh2_edge_nodes:standard_name = "???" ; \\ yet to be determined
Mesh2_edge_nodes:long_name = "list of 2D mesh nodes for all 2D mesh edges, start node - end node" ;
Mesh2_edge_nodes:_FillValue = "fillvalue" \\ indicates missing nodes
Mesh2_edge_nodes:valid_range = "valid minimum, valid maximum"

Bemerkung: Könnte aus dem Kantenverzeichnis der Polygone sowie dem Knotenverzeichnis der Polygone abgeleitet werden.

Polygonverzeichnis der Kanten

integer Mesh2_edge_polys(nMesh2_edge,Two)
Mesh2_edge_polys:standard_name = "???" ; \\ yet to be determined
Mesh2_edge_polys:long_name = "list of 2D mesh polygons for all 2D mesh edges, left polygon - right polygon" ;
Mesh2_edge_polys:_FillValue = "fillvalue" \\ indicates missing polygons
Mesh2_edge_polys:valid_range = "valid minimum, valid maximum"

Bemerkung: Könnte aus dem Kantenverzeichnis der Polygone sowie dem Knotenverzeichnis der Polygone abgeleitet werden.



integer crs ;
crs:grid_mapping_name = "transverse_mercator" ;
crs:scale_factor_at_central_merdian = value ;
crs:longitude_of_central_meridian = value ;
crs:latitude_of_projection_origin = value ;
crs:false_easting = value ;
crs:false_northing = value ;

Anmerkungen, Fragen

  • Datei ist vollständig CF-konform - keine Erweiterungen erforderlich!

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