

From BAWiki

Basic Information






7.x / August 2003


August 2003

Significance of the File

contains general input data for the program XTRDATA

File-Contents (in Catchwords)

  1. maximum dimension of different FORTRAN-arrays for the program XTRDATA
  2. datablock BEARBEITER, with the name of the file which contains general information about the employee using the program
  3. datablock ALLINFO, with the name of the file which contains general informations about the project and data used
  4. datablock GEOPOS, with the names of the files which contain definitions of 2D-locations
  5. datablock POS3D, with the names of the files which contain definitions of 3D-locations
  6. datablock LPROFIL, with the names of the files which contain definitions of longitudinal profiles defined by a given sequence of 2D-locations
  7. datablock TPROFIL, with the names of the files which specify the location of a vertical profile defined by a sequence of 3D-locations
  8. datablock DATENSATZ, with the names of the files which are used to define output data sets (type and FORTRAN-format for the physical quantities which should be written to the output files)
  9. datablock ZEITRAUM, with the names of the files which are used to define a period in time, for which time-series data should be written to the output files
  10. datablock ZROUTPUT, with the names of the files which yield the names and contents of the ASCII-files, to which the binary data are extracted as time-series data
  11. datablock LPOUTPUT, with the names of the files which yield the names and contents of the ASCII-files, to which the binary data are extracted along profiles
  12. datablock DIRZ, with the names of the files which contain the binary data sets to be processed by XTRDATA

For further informations please refer to the file $PROGHOME/examples/XtrData/README.

Programs using this Type of File



please refer to $PROGHOME/examples/XtrData/XtrData.dat

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