
Protecting offshore wind turbines against corrosion

From BAWiki

The percentage of Germany’s electricity mix accounted for by renewable energy is steadily increasing, and wind power is one of its most important sources. Offshore wind turbines can be expected to generate especially high yields thanks to the steady and generally strong winds that blow out on the open sea, making them an efficient way to produce electricity. However, the particularly challenging environment to which the turbines are exposed calls for a suitable anti-corrosion strategy to ensure their long-term structural integrity. This places high demands on the form of corrosion protection chosen. The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in Hamburg is responsible for reviewing all offshore activities in Germany’s EEZ in the North Sea and Baltic Sea in its capacity as the approval authority for wind farm applications. The BAW, which is based in Karlsruhe, provides expert support to the BSH on the issue of corrosion protection. It is also an active contributor to technical committees and research projects in its role representing the public interest. These committees and projects have produced the following parts of the VGB/BAW standard.

Standards and annexes published:

VGB/BAW-Standard – Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie – Teil 1: Allgemeines 3. Ausgabe 2018 (VGB-S-021-01-2018-04-DE)

VGB/BAW-Standard – Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie – Teil 1: Allgemeines, Anlage 10, Steckbrief

VGB/BAW-Standard – Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie – Teil 2: Anforderungen an Korrosionsschutzsysteme 3. Ausgabe 2018 (VGB-S-021-02-2018-04-DE)

VGB/BAW-Standard – Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie – Teil 3: Applikation von Beschichtungssystemen 3. Ausgabe 2018 (VGB-S-021-03-2018-04-DE)

VGB/BAW-Standard – Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie – Teil 4: Kathodischer Korrosionsschutz (KKS) 1. Ausgabe 2018 (VGB-S-021-04-2018-07-DE)

VGB/BAW-Standard – Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie – Teil 4: Kathodischer Korrosionsschutz (KKS), Anlage 2

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