NetCDF global attributes
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List of attributes
DMQS metadata
In the R&D project Datenmanagement und Qualitätssicherung im Verkehrswasserbau (DMQS) new guidelines for the creation of metadata were formulated, especially in connexion with use of simulation programs (see Mathematical Models for Coastal Areas and Estuaries).
All resulting recommendations are described in recording of metadata for a simulation (available in German only). Recommendations for the creation of metadata can be regarded as a replacement for file input from nc_meta.dat (see subsequent section). They shall be used with priority.
Metadata from nc_meta.dat or other input steering data files
Creation of metadata shall be carried through with priority according to the recommendations given in the above section related to DMQS metadata. If this is not applicable, input from nc_meta.dat can be regarded as an alternative.
- Institution
- institution = "Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau - Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute" ;
- Publisher
- naming_authority = "de.baw" ;
- publisher_name = "BAW - Abteilung Wasserbau - Hydraulic Engineering - Hamburg" ;
- publisher_email = "" ;
- publisher_url = "" ;
- Project
- project = "Creation of CF NetCDF files using UnTRIM2007" ;
- Method
- source = "untrim2007_work_gl.xe test version" ;
- references = "" ;
- Data set
- title = "results for site specific model KURVE" ;
- id = "untrim2007-run-entwicklung-kurve-xe-untrim2007-00001" ;
- summary = "2D and 3D results were generated for test purposes.\\nContains water level, current velocity, salinity, suspended sediment concentration, tracer concentration plus additional auxiliary variables.\\nSeveral global metadata have been created for the first time." ;
- Creator
- creator_name = "Guenther Lang" ;
- creator_url = "" ;
- creator_email = "" ;
- Contributors
- contributor_name = "Guenther Lang, Susanne Spohr" ;
- contributor_role = "project leader, co-worker" ;
- Acknowledgment
- acknowledgment = "grid generated by Christoph Lippert (smile consult, Hannover," ;
Automatically added metadata
- Conventions
- Conventions = "CF-1.6" ; // if CF compliant
- Conventions = "UGRID-1.0" ; // if UGRID compliant but not CF compliant
- Conventions = "CF-1.6, UGRID-1.0" ; // if CF compliant and UGRID compliant
- standard_name_vocabulary = "CF-1.6" ;
- History
- history = "/net/themis2/system/akprog/examples/untrim2007/data/kurve/\\n06/27/2012-09:54:36.462000000 UTC, h_grid, Grid_File\\n06/27/2012-09:54:44.984000000 UTC, m_untrim2007_utromp2007, utromp2007.xe.dat" ;
- Each application using the data should add an entry to this attribute which could contain the following information:
- 1. date and time of program execution,
- 2. name of executable, and
- 3. name of major input steering data file, if present.
- date_created = "2012-06-27T09:54:44.045000000+00:00" ; // see ISO 8601
- date_modified = "2012-06-27T09:54:44.045000000+00:00" ; // see ISO 8601
- history = "/net/themis2/system/akprog/examples/untrim2007/data/kurve/\\n06/27/2012-09:54:36.462000000 UTC, h_grid, Grid_File\\n06/27/2012-09:54:44.984000000 UTC, m_untrim2007_utromp2007, utromp2007.xe.dat" ;
- Data set
- uuid = "08f169c6-7b7b-1030-8001-0030487ca4a8" ; // see Universally Unique Identifier
- Spatial reference
- geospatial_lat_min = 53.00748773384447357 ;
- geospatial_lat_max = 53.0168838793441595 ;
- geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
- geospatial_lat_resolution = "on average 14.13 meters" ;
- geospatial_lon_min = 7.8641123924508 ;
- geospatial_lon_max = 7.897937700526 ;
- geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
- geospatial_lon_resolution = "on average 14.13 meters" ;
- Time reference
- Global attributes describe the data source as well as the institution which originally created the data. An overview of the use history is also given. Also informations about metadata conventions used are contained.
- From the attributes listed above not all of them are always present.
- For further information on this subject see CF Metadata Convention and NODC NetCDF Templates.
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