
Mathematical Model TELEMAC-2D

From BAWiki

Short Description

The mathematical model TELEMAC-2D is based on the finite element approach. TELEMAC-2D was designed to solve several depth-integrated transient nonlinear partial differential equations (pde's). The model is actually used to study one ore more of the following physical processes:

  1. transport of water (conservation of the water mass)
  2. transport of linear momentum (conservation of linear momentum)
  3. transport of turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent kinetic energy dissipation (conservation of the turbulent kinetic energy)
  4. transport of salinity (conservation of the dissolved salt mass)

TELEMAC-2D was developed by Laboratoire Nationale d'Hydraulique from Electricté de France, Direction des Etudes et Recherches (EDF-DER), Chatou-Paris. TELEMAC-2D has been successfully installed in the year 1994 at BAW-DHs computers. It has been integrated into BAW-DHs numerical modelling toolbox and is now used on a routine basis in the context of different real-world projects concerning estuarine flow and transport processes.

There are several documents available to the user which give a comprehensive overview about the capabilities and limitations of the model.

  • TELEMAC Modelling System: TELEMAC-2D Software Version 3.0 PRINCIPLE NOTE
Direction des Etudes et Recherches, August 2001, 98 pages (in English)
  • TELEMAC Modelling System: TELEMAC-2D Software Version 5.2 USER MANUAL
Direction des Etudes et Recherches, June 2002, 114 pages (in English)
  • TELEMAC Modelling System: TELEMAC-2D Software Version 5.0 VALIDATION DOCUMENT
Direction des Etudes et Recherches, July 2000, 135 pages (in English)

TELEMAC-2D has been completely integrated into BAW-DHs software-environment.


Programs for Simulation


  • GVIEW2D: graphical display of time series at selected locations
  • LQ2PRO: Visualization of data along profiles
  • HVIEW2D: graphical display of 2D synoptic or data analyses results
  • VVIEW2D: Two-dimensional graphical representation of CFD-data for vertical sections

Example Applications

  • Wattfahrwasser Kaiserbalje: Investigation of the consequences of a fairway in the tidal flats area of the Hohe Weg Watt on hydrology and morphology (in German)

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