Mathematical Model TELEMAC-2D
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Short Description
The mathematical model TELEMAC-2D is based on the finite element approach. TELEMAC-2D was designed to solve several depth-integrated transient nonlinear partial differential equations (pde's). The model is actually used to study one ore more of the following physical processes:
- transport of water (conservation of the water mass)
- transport of linear momentum (conservation of linear momentum)
- transport of turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent kinetic energy dissipation (conservation of the turbulent kinetic energy)
- transport of salinity (conservation of the dissolved salt mass)
TELEMAC-2D was developed by Laboratoire Nationale d'Hydraulique from Electricté de France, Direction des Etudes et Recherches (EDF-DER), Chatou-Paris. TELEMAC-2D has been successfully installed in the year 1994 at BAW-DHs computers. It has been integrated into BAW-DHs numerical modelling toolbox and is now used on a routine basis in the context of different real-world projects concerning estuarine flow and transport processes.
There are several documents available to the user which give a comprehensive overview about the capabilities and limitations of the model.
- TELEMAC Modelling System: TELEMAC-2D Software Version 3.0 PRINCIPLE NOTE
- Direction des Etudes et Recherches, August 2001, 98 pages (in English)
- TELEMAC Modelling System: TELEMAC-2D Software Version 5.2 USER MANUAL
- Direction des Etudes et Recherches, June 2002, 114 pages (in English)
- TELEMAC Modelling System: TELEMAC-2D Software Version 5.0 VALIDATION DOCUMENT
- Direction des Etudes et Recherches, July 2000, 135 pages (in English)
TELEMAC-2D has been completely integrated into BAW-DHs software-environment.
Programs for Simulation
- TM2RND: generation of boundary conditions and boundary values from measured time series of time- and space-varying
- water elevation,
- water flow and
- salinity.
- TELEMAC-2D: simulation run
- Conversion of Computed Results: general purpose prostprocessors for the conversion of data.
- Analysis of Calculated Results: tidal characteristic numbers, tide-independent characteristic numbers, tidal harmonic analysis and comparative analysis.
- Spread-Sheet Calculations for Computed Results: application of the spread-sheet program MS Excel (TM) to display and modify computed results.
- GVIEW2D: graphical display of time series at selected locations
- LQ2PRO: Visualization of data along profiles
- HVIEW2D: graphical display of 2D synoptic or data analyses results
- VVIEW2D: Two-dimensional graphical representation of CFD-data for vertical sections
Example Applications
- Wattfahrwasser Kaiserbalje: Investigation of the consequences of a fairway in the tidal flats area of the Hohe Weg Watt on hydrology and morphology (in German)
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