File Descriptions
From BAWiki
Short Description of Computer Files of the BAW-DH
This page shows you a alphabetically sorted list of the most important types of data files used at the BAW-DH.
- abdf.dat: general input data for program ABDF
- adcp2bdf.dat: general input data for program ADCP2BDF
- adcp2profile.dat: general input data for program ADCP2PROFILE
- adcp_profile.dat: contains the measured data of one ADCP moving ship profile
- adcp_wh.dat: ADCP workhorse measured data
- ascii.dat: general ASCII data file
- bagger.dat: dredger-polygons file for TC2BAGGER
- batchplot.dat: specific input data for program BATCHPLOT
- bdf_file_cfg.dat: contains configuration data for the universal direct access data files
- bfabsenk.dat: general input data for the program BFABSENK
- boernd.dat: general input data for the program BOERND
- boewrt.dat: contains measured or calculated time-series data for a single location
- bounds.cfg.dat: List of interval definitions for various programs, e. g. NCANALYSE or NCPLOT
- bsection.dat: definitions of boundary sections for generation of boundary time series data
- bsh2baw.dat: general input data for the program BSH2BAW
- BAW instance of a NetCDF file
- colors.dat: color table
- colors.cfg.dat: list of color definitions for the program NCPLOT
- conlim.dat: boundary conditions file for TELEMAC-2D
- crosspro.dat: general input data for program CROSSPRO
- data2geom.dat: general input data for the program DATA2GEOM
- dataconvert.dat: general input data for the program DATACONVERT
- dateiliste.dat: liste of filenames with complete path
- delft3d.bnd: Contains the location and description of open boundaries for the integrated modeling system DELFT3D
- delft3d.dep: Contains the bathymetry in the model area for the integrated modeling system DELFT3D
- delft3d.dry: Contains the locations of permanently dry points for the integrated modeling system DELFT3D
- delft3d.enc: Contains the co-ordinates of the grid enclosure for the integrated modeling system DELFT3D
- delft3d.ext: Contains location and type of 2D weir effects for the integrated modeling system DELFT3D
- delft3d.grd: Contains the co-ordinates of the orthogonal curvilinear grid for the integrated modeling system DELFT3D
- delft3d.lwl: Contains location and type of local weir effects including friction for the integrated modeling system DELFT3D
- Contains location and type for thin, permanently dry dams for the integrated modeling system DELFT3D
- didamerge.dat: general input data for program DIDAMERGE
- didamintq.dat: general input data for the program DIDAMINTQ
- didamintq.cfg: special configuration data for the program DIDAMINTQ
- didamintz.dat: general input data for the program DIDAMINTZ
- didamintz.cfg.dat: configuration file for the program DIDAMINTZ
- didarename.dat: general input data for program DIDARENAME
- didasplit.dat: general input data for program DIDASPLIT
- depro2d.dat: general input data for program DEPRO2D
- digi.gkk: Contains digitized line type structures
- di-mf.dat: Master file of program TR2APP with information about filenames
- dirz.bin.r: recordlength-file of the universal direct access data files
- dirz.bin.i: information-file of the universal direct access data files
- dirz.bin: data-file of the universal direct access data files
- dredgesim.dat: user specific steering data for dredging and disposal package DredgeSim
- dtopo.dat: difference of two finite difference topographies
- enerf.dat: general input data for the program ENERF
- enerf.cfg.dat: configuration file (calculation rules) for the program ENERF
- eventfilter.dat: general input data for the program EVENTFILTER
- eventstatistic.dat/.excel: statistics of high water and low water
- excel.dat: contains data to be used in the EXCEL spread sheet program
- excelenz.dat: general input data for the program excelenz
- fdgitter05.dat: names of input files for program FDGITTER05
- fdglue.dat: general input data for program FDGLUE
- fd2addtopo.dat: general input data for program FD2ADDTOPO
- fd2basis.dat: general input data for program FD2BASIS
- fd2del.dat: general input data for program FD2DEL
- fd2hypso.dat: general input data for program FD2HYPSO
- fd2met.dat: general input data for program FD2MET
- fd2mod.dat: general input data for program FD2MOD
- fd2trim.dat: contains general input data FD2TRIM
- fd-matrix.bin: matrix to change depth values of a finite difference topography
- fd2bagger.cellsave: indices of protected finite difference cells
- fd2bagger.flusskm: kilometer marks of a fairway
- fd2bagger.poly: coordinates of a fairway polygon
- fd2bagger.reflist: reference list with minimum depth values along a fairway
- fd2bagger.riffel: beginning and end kilometer marks for ripple structures along a fairway
- fd2kachel.dat: general input data for program FD2KACHEL
- fd2riba.dat: general input data for program FD2RIBA
- fd2rnd.dat: description of the boundary grid cells for TR2RND
- fd2spueler.dat: general input data for program FD2SPUELER
- fftein.dat: general input data for the program FFT
- fkez.bin: neighbour-elements of elements (TICAD-format)
- fkvz.bin: edge connexions of elements (TICAD-format)
- frames.dat: frames for graphic programs
- frq2zeitr.dat: general input data for program FRQ2ZEITR
- frqsingle.dat/tex: file with error parameters of harmonic analysis
- frqwf.dat: general input data for the program FRQWF
- frqtie.dat: general input data for the program FRQTIE
- geo: optimized finite element grid for TELEMAC-2D
- geom.dat: bearing data
- geomfd2.dat: general input data for program GEOMFD2
- geopos.dat: file for description of geopositions, extendable with tidal amplitudes
- gitter05.dat/bin: two-dimensional finite element grid (TICAD-format)
- gkpunkt.dat: list of point attributes
- gprofil.dat: geo position descriptions of a longitudinal or cross sectional profile
- groynes.dat: groyne data
- gview2d.dat: general input data for program GVIEW2D
- hrpi-mf.dat: Master file of program TR2APP with information about secondary reference points
- hview2d.dat: general input data for program HVIEW2D
- hy-tab.dat: Table of a frequency distribution of depth values of a finite difference bathymetry
- igel2d.dat: general input data for the program IGEL2D
- insel.dat: digitalized structures (groynes, islands, etc.)
- io_volume.dat: general input data for the program IO_VOLUME
- ipds.dat: initial values of physical datasets (e.g. to define start conditions)
- isoerg.dat: informations for plotting additional isolines in various graphical programs
- k_model.dat: specific input data related to the k-model package
- kachel2d.dat: general input data for the program KACHEL2D
- kennungen.dat: file with a list of keys of tidal constituents or geopositions
- kmattr.dat: physical data related to a river chainage
- knoerg.bin: calculated results at choosen positions
- knok.gitter05.dat/bin: nodal markers for a finite element grid (TICAD-format)
- kuedat.dat: bearing data file of format KUEDAT containing bearing points and lines
- lq2attr.dat: user defined plot attributes for program LQ2PRO
- lq2pro.dat: general input data for the program LQ2PRO
- lzkaf.dat: general input data for the program LZKAF
- lzkmf.dat: general input data for the program LZKMF
- lzksf.dat: general input data for the program LZKSF
- lzkvf.dat: general input data for the program LZKVF
- lzkwf.dat: general input data for the program LZKWF
- layout.dat: plot-layout for GKS-programs
- lights.dat: file for color scale information for programs FDGITTER05, HVIEW2D
- location.dat: list of files with descriptions of specific locations
- location_grid.dat: system file with data for an arbitrary number of specific locations
- medianglaettung.dat: input control data for the program MEDIANGLAETTUNG
- metdida.dat: general input data for the program METDIDA
- metdida.cfg.dat: configuration file for the program METDIDA
- mix_untrim.dat: configuration file for the package MIX
- mkrdat.dat: general input data for the program MKRDAT
- mkwswawrt.dat: contains meteorological data and is read by the program FD2MET .
- ncaggregate.dat: general input data for the program NCAGGREGATE
- ncanalyse.dat: general input data for the program NCANALYSE
- ncdelta.dat: general input data for the program NCDELTA
- ncdvar.dat: general input data for the program NCDVAR
- ncmerge.dat: general input data for the program NCMERGE
- ncplot.dat: general input data for the program NCPLOT
- nc_meta.dat: user specific global metadata for CF NetCDF files
- nc2table.csv: result file (tabular data) from program NC2TABLE
- nc2table.dat: general input data for the program NC2TABLE
- neigh.dat: TRIGRID list of neighbours
- netcdf.cdf: NetCDF file format
- polygons for protection of depth values at nodal points
- op_weir.dat: input data to control UNTRIM2 weir sections depending on model results at runtime
- outascii.dat: computational results from TRIM-2D converted into ASCII format
- outhview2d.dat: data displayed by HVIEW2D converted into ASCII format
- pai-mf.dat: Master file of program TR2APP with information about run of program
- palettes.cfg.dat: list of pallet definitions for the program NCPLOT
- partrace.dat: general input data for the program PARTRACE
- pdi-mf.dat: Master file of program TR2APP with information about physical data
- pgcalc.dat: general input-data for program PGCALC
- plotts.dat: general input-data for program PLOTTS"
- pltsub_grid.upi: grid file for plotting purposes of the numerical model UnTRIM2
- poly: planar straight line graph (TRIANGLE-format)
- poly.dat: surrounding polygon
- prf.analyse.dat: results of a profile analysis
- prof.bin: one-dimensional segment grid
- profil05.bin: file with profile bathymetries
- profiles3d.dat: definition of profiles
- rsmerge.dat: general input data for the program RsMerge
- rand.dat: coordinates of a borderline
- relax.dat: solver options and solver accuracy
- rgz.dat: description of boundary grid cells
- rndwerte.dat: boundary values for numerical models
- rose.dat: general input data for the program ROSE
- sedimorph.dat: user specified steering data for the morphodynamic computational module SediMorph
- selafin: results file of TELEMAC-2D
- soil.dat: description of soil types
- solwrt.dat: contains time-series data for a single location, please do not use any longer
- spek.out: one-dimensional wave spectra, computed by program WESPE
- sv.dat: input data for software package SV (various settling velocity models)
- syngrid.dat: general input data for the program SYNGRID
- tdklf.dat: general input data for the program TDKLF
- tdksf.dat: general input data for the program TDKSF
- tdkvf.dat: general input data for the program TDKVF
- tdkwf.dat: general input data for the program TDKWF
- tc2bagger.dat: general input data for the program TC2BAGGER
- tc2geom.dat: general input data for the program TC2GEOM
- tc2tr2.dat: general input data for the program TC2TR2
- tdkneu.dat: general input data for the program TIDKEN
- tdktie.dat: general input data for the program TDKTIE
- tecplot: standard input data for the visualization software TECPLOT
- telemac2d.cas: general input data for the program TELEMAC-2D
- telemac.dat: additional baw-specific input data for the programs TELEMAC-2D and TELEMAC-3D
- telemac2d.princi.f: FORTRAN main program for TELEMAC-2D
- teo.dat: general input data for the program TEO
- teoax.dat: general input data for the program TEOAX
- ticlq2.dat: general input data for the program TICLQ2
- tictri.dat: general input data for the program TICTRI
- tideclock.dat: informations for plotting in tide clock in various graphical programs
- tidegrunddaten.dat: file containing basic information on the tidal constituents
- ti-mf.dat: Master file of program TR2APP with information about areas of interest
- timeshift.dat: general input data for the program TIMESHIFT
- tma: TMA-spectrum, computed by program WESPE
- tm2dida.dat: general input data for the program TM2DIDA
- tm2.rbh.bin: hydrodynamic boundary values for TELEMAC-2D
- tm2.rbh.bin.i: informations on hydrodynamic boundary values for TELEMAC-2D
- tm2.rbs.bin: salinity boundary values for TELEMAC-2D
- tm2.rbs.bin.i: informations on salinity boundary values for TELEMAC-2D
- tm2rnd.dat: general input data for the program TM2RND
- topo.bin: finite difference topography with depth values for all cells
- topvf.dat: general input data for the program TOPVF
- toutr.dat: general input data for the program toUtr
- tprofil.dat: depth profile
- tr2fidi.dat: general input data for the program TR2FIDI
- tr2lq2.dat: general input data for the program TR2LQ2
- tr2.result: results files of TRIM-2D
- trim2d.dat: general input data for the program TRIM-2D
- trim2d.bed.dat: general input data for bed load transport for the programs TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D
- trim3d.dat: general input data for the program TRIM-3D
- tr2.rbh.bin: hydrodynamic boundary values for TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D
- tr2.rbh.bin.i: informations on hydrodynamic boundary values for TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D
- tr2.rbs.bin: salinity boundary values for TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D
- tr2.rbs.bin.i: informations on salinity boundary values for TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D
- tr2.rbc.bin: suspended sediment boundary values for TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D
- tr2.rbc.bin.i: informations on suspended sediment boundary values for TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D
- tr2.rbw.bin: control structure boundary values for TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D
- tr2.rbw.bin.i: informations on control structure boundary values for TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D
- tr2.met.bin: meteorological boundary values for TRIM-2D, TRIM-3D and TELEMAC-2D
- tr2.met.bin.i: informations on meteorological boundary values for TRIM-2D, TRIM-3D and TELEMAC-2D
- tr2.soil.bin.ind: distribution of soil types for TRIM-2D
- tr2.topo.bin: bathymetry TRIM-2D
- tr2.topo.bin.ind: bathymetry and index arrays for TRIM-2D and TRIM-3D
- tr2.topo.bin.i3d: 3D index arrays generated by TRIM-3D
- tr2ascii.dat: general input data for the program TR2ASCII
- tr2dida.dat: general input data for the program TR2DIDA
- tr2geom.dat: general input data for the program TR2GEOM
- tr2kachel.dat: general input data for the program TR2KACHEL
- tr2modate.dat: general input data for the program TR2MODATE
- tr2refresh.dat: general input data for the program TR2REFRESH
- tr2vor.dat: general input data for the program TR2VOR
- tr3.result: results files of TRIM-3D
- tr3dida.dat: general input data for the program TR3DIDA
- tr3kachel.dat: general input data for the program TR3KACHEL
- tr3modate.dat: general input data for the program TR3MODATE
- trasse.dat: general input data for the program TRASSE
- trgitter05.dat: general input data for the program TRGITTER05
- triang.dat: TRIGRID list of nodal point connexions
- trvzr.dat: general input data for the program TRVZR
- difference results of an analysis of Trim area result files
- tr_h.ergeb.dat: results of an analysis of Trim area result files
- information about an analysis of Trim area result files
- tscalc.dat: general input data for the program TSCALC
- ttasf.asf: amplitude and phase (ascii) data for different tidal constituents at different locations
- ttbpt.bpt: linked data for different physical data at various locations
- txi-mf.dat: Master file of program TR2APP with text information
- ucd: standard input format for AVS/Express and other visualization software
- unigrid.dat/.bin: grid file of format Unigrid
- unk.dat: general input data for the postprocessor UNK
- uns.dat: general input data for the postprocessor UNS
- untrim_grid.dat: grid file for the numerical model Untrim
- untrim2.dat: master input file for the mathematical model UnTRIM2, with sub grid technology
- untrim2007.dat: master input file for the mathematical model UnTRIM2007
- untrim_main.dat: main input data file for the numerical model UnTRIM
- upda2d.dat: general input data for the program UPDA2D
- utrpre.dat: general input data for the program UTRPRE
- utrrnd.dat: general input data for the program UTRRND
- utrsub_grid.dat: grid file for the numerical model UnTRIM2
- vertical.dat: contains details with respect to the description of a vertical grid structure
- vi-mf.dat: Master file of program TR2APP with information about structure of directories
- volumeth.dat: general input data for the program VOLUMETH
- volumeth.plt: Program flow control parametrs for an automatical result graphic generation for volume calculations with the daemon VOLUMETHAUTO
- volsum.dat/volsum.excel.dat: area distribution and volum sum function of a region
- vtdk.dat: general input data for the program VTDK
- vview2d.dat: general input data for program VVIEW2D
- WAQ-files: sveral files for offline coupling with DelWAQ (D-Water Quality - Delft3D Suite)
- warm.dat: general input data for program WARM
- xtrdata.dat: general input data for the program XTRDATA
- xtrlq2.dat: general input data for the program XTRLQ2
- xmgr.dat: contains data for the XY plotting program ACE/gr
- zeitr.dat: general input data for the program ZEITR
- zeile.tidken.dat: analysis results of the program TIDKEN
- zeitpunkte.dat: self defined points of time (different formats available)
- zeitrio.dat: optional input data for the program ZEITRIO
- zi-mf.dat: Master file of program TR2APP with information about time values
- zprofil.dat: contains depth dependent data
- zwischenpunkte.dat: input control data for the progam ZWISCHENPUNKTE
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