
Example: Animation of Fluid Particle Paths in the Inner Jade Estuary

From BAWiki


This animation shows paths of fluid particles in the Inner Jade estuary calculated with the particle simulation program PARTRACE developed at the BAW-DH. The main input to PARTRACE is a 2D depth-averaged flow field which in this case was computed with the hydro-numerical (HN) model TRIM-2D. A thorough description of PARTRACE can be found in the Programmbeschreibung des Partikelverfahrens PARTRACE (currently in german only, sorry).

In the animation four groups of five particles each are released at the source locations marked as red dots at about the first occurring slack water. The particles are then tracked for about 5 1/2 tidal cycles, ie for about 2 3/4 days. It can be seen that the particle paths to a large extent follow the tributary arm which indicates that here the flow is dominant. Moreover, none of the particles leaves the domain to the north towards the open sea. Thus only a relatively small amount of water is exchanged with the open sea within the (fairly average) tidal events considered here. However, some particles of the most northernly released group leave the Inner Jade across the Hohe-Weg-Watt towards the Weser river. This is in agreement with the long-known phenomenon that part of the flood current initially directed into the Inner Jade departs in that direction. Finally, some of the particle paths show a deviation to the right when flood current changes to ebb current in the Jadebusen. This is due to the Coriolis acceleration acting on the water body as a result of the earth rotation.

Further information about numerical investigations of the tidal flow in the Inner Jade estuary can be found in the Animation of Water Level Elevation and Flow Velocity in the Inner Jade estuary. Furthermore, for quick information about program usage a Short Description of Program: PARTRACE is available. A list of further animations also of flows in other estuaries available from this server is found under Animations of calculated results.

The following versions of this animation in Autodesk format can be downloaded from this site:

  • Download Format:
Pall.flc all particles
P20-16.flc particle 20-16
P15-11.flc particle 15-11
P10-6.flc particle 10-6
P5-1.flc particle 5-1
Ppall.flc all particles
Pp20-15.flc particle 20-15
Pp15-11.flc particlel 15-11
Pp10-6.flc particle 10-6
Pp5-1.flc particle 5-1

The animation player for the .flc file format can be downloaded through the link
FLC / FLI player from Autodesk